- In the case of an update, try uninstall / reinstall the plugin.
- If that does not work, create a ticket in the support page.
- Also send me a message from the plugin (menu feedback) taking care to check the “Send Info” option.
If the problem is in the plugin administration page :
- Disable all your other plugins and test again.
- If it works, enable one plugin and test again.
- Repeat until you identify the plugin is not compatible with wsi.
- Once identified, send me the name and the version of the not compatible plugin by the support page.
If there is still a problem in the admin page even after disabling all your plugins, this may be your theme is causing the problem.
Send me the name and the version of the not compatible theme by the support page.
If the problem concerns the display of the WSI into your website :
You can also email me the source code of the page on which you expect to see the splash image ([email protected]).