I would like to explain a few things. Your website isn’t by wordpress nor is it their obligation to fix any issues. You are using WordPress’s code under the GPL version 2. Esmi gave you great advice that should fix the problem. Also, the error probably isn’t the error you should be focusing on. If you don’t want to use esmi’s advice, then you should at least look at line 71 of users.php and if the problem isn’t their do some more research. The problem may be on line 70, someone may have forgot to close their parantheses or curly brackets. I am telling you to look at line 71 because I went to your site and went to wp-includes/user.php and got this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_filter() in /home/u237086156/public_html/wp-includes/user.php on line 71.
add_filter is a normal hook in WordPress, so you’d need to do more research.
If you can’t fix the issue on your own, then you may want to hire a WordPress consultant. My company does consulting.