• This is my first time using WP. I’m trying to install a new 1.0 setup. My site is hosted on a remote Win 2000 Server, IIS 5.o, PHP 4.3.4, MySQL 3.23.41 , and phpMyAdmin 2.2.4 (to manage MySQL). I also uses Web Shell for ftp management. I have a fresh database created with a user-admin privileges. My problem is when I get to the intall.php step in installation I get a variety of error messages, depending on how I set the wp-config.php. They are all the standard messages that have been covered in these forums before, such as;
    ‘It doesn’t look like you’ve installed WP yet.’
    SQL/DB Error –[Error establishing a database connection! Are you sure you have the correct user/password? Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname? Are you sure that the database server is running?]
    SQL/DB Error –[Error selecting database wordpress! Are you sure it exists?Are you sure there is a valid database connection?]
    Is the problem because of using IIS? Does WP really need Apache to run? Just need to know for certain as I can switch my host account to Apache.
    Everything is setup correctly in MySQL and I have tried setting wp-config.php a million different ways but it won’t setup the db tables and proceed to the login stage. Please help.

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  • My host is running IIS (although I don’t know which version), and WP is running fine.
    Are you sure the db_name, db_user, db_password, and db_host are correct in the wp-config file? I know that for my host, I had to change the db_host (even though the comments say that 99% of the time you won’t have to…)

    Thread Starter dlb


    Well first it’s good to know that someone else is using IIS without issue. I didn’t really want to move accounts unless there was no choice if I wanted to use WP.
    As far as my wp-config.php, Yes, I did set all of the parameters according to my host info, including the db_host. I have set it to the IP address and the mysql domain name. I still get the above mentioned errors. Since this may not be an IIS issue, perhaps it’s the requirement in the installation to “CHMODD 777” certain file or files? I’m not sure how this is accomplished on a Win2K/IIS server? Any clue? Thanks for respaonding.

    I’m not much of a server-side person, so bear with me, please.
    Should we not document that WP relies on PHP and MySQL. Are these not platform independant, in terms of applications using them? Perhaps not in setting up, but that is the problem for the host, not the user.
    Is this statement correct?
    “If your host is running PHP (insert version) and MySQL (insert version) then you can run WP. It is irrelevant whether or not your host is running IIS, Apache, WinServer 2003, or HamstersDeLuxe Server.”
    If so, then perhaps we need some clarification in the documentation.

    Hmmmm…I wonder if it’s an issue with how you’re specifying the db_host? That’s just a guess. For example, mine is set to “mysql”, which is not a fully qualified domain name.
    As for changing permissions, I *think* I’m setting them using WS-FTP Pro. Right-click on a file or folder, then select CHMOD. It brings up a dialog with three sets of Read/Write/Execute checkboxes. I know that Windows doesn’t use CHMOD, but I *think* WS-FTP Pro is sending the correct Windows commands to change the permissions…at least it seems to work.

    Thread Starter dlb


    I would agree with clarifying the documentation. It took me serveral days of lurking through the forum for an answer, without really finding one. Then deciding to post today and getting a response from another member confirming it does work on IIS. Clear and complete documentation can sure save a lot of redundancy in posting and help folks with common problems easily answered in a user manual.

    Thread Starter dlb


    Thanks I will give WS-FTP a shot and see if that doesn’t change things. And yes CHMOD is a Unix command, so that isn’t possible anyway. I will also try the db_host naming a little differently.
    On the documentation thing again, perhaps there are a lot of windows server folks out here who are trying or want to use WP. Considering some windows directions could be helpful in the future.

    One point that could also be added to the docs (I found it here in the forums) is that you *cannot* use search engine friendly URL’s in an IIS environment without some extra bit of software. Apache uses mod_rewrite, but IIS needs something else (can’t remember the name, but it’s in these forums somewhere.) I checked around, and it’s not at all common. My host said they’d install it, but I’d have to purchase it (single user is about $70.)

    The documentation effort is moving along, slowly but surely. We thank you for your patience and please don’t hesitate to post your thoughts and ideas about the docs. Myself and Cena are responsible for the doc effort, so either or both of us will try to get the right people to provide the right answers! ??
    Great info on the IIS server and the necessary mod_rewrite equivalent that is required for using search-friendly URLs. Could I impose upon you to research this and then add it to the appropriate FAQ page on the Wiki?
    Thanks! ??

    Thread Starter dlb


    Ok I’m still having the same issues. I uploaded a fresh WP set using WS-FTP, choosing ASCII as directed. Tried setting the wp-config.php parameters, again, a million different ways. And I still keep getting the same previous errors. It acts like it can’t connect to the database and create the tables. But I have no problem accessing mysql through myphpadmin control panel. The database is there and so is the user. I’m out of ideas. The only thing I can think of is its a permissions problem somewhere along the way.
    What privileges should the initial mysql user have for the install? Currently mine is set to dba. I know that MySQL and PHP are working fine on my remote account as I have been running a PHPBB2 board for sometime now with no problems. I’ve even installed a bunch of mods on it. Anyone got a clue for my sorry butt?

    I can understand your frustration! One other thing that I goofed on in my original install was that I created the database, and created the user. What I didn’t realise is that I had to add the user to the database; that is, I had to make the user a “member” of the database. Otherwise, all I had was a database, and a user. You have to check to ensure that you told the database that your user is allowed to be part of the database admins.
    Hope that makes sense.

    Thread Starter dlb


    Thanks, I will verify that my is dba. I’m pretty sure that it is. One other thing came to mind; I have the WP file set uploaded to a sub-directory under my root, as I already have a top-level site running there. Could there be some path reference that needs edited? Perhaps in the wp-config.php or some other file? I’ve noticed in some instructions it says upload to your root.
    Just a thought. Thanks

    Sure, I’d be happy to further research ISAPI_rewrite and post it to the Wiki. Question: what section of the Wiki would be most appropriate?

    I have not got WP running yet, as I just finished installing PHP and MySQL. So I am no expert on the matter. I am going to try in my spare time to play with this on an old NT 4.0 IIS 4 server.
    However, two questions arose reading this thread. First, what is the relevance of Port 3306 on MySQL to WP? Does your router have to have Port 3306 open in order to run properly if WP is accessed through Port 80 on the web? Could this be a port issue if host is firewalled?
    Next, does the WP user account for the db have to be an IUSR account because IIS only allows “anonymous” access for that account?

    Sorry about the anonymous. Forgot to log in on previous post.

    3306 is the default port for MySQL, but you can install it to use any other port. However, using port 3306 is recommended to prevent conflicts with any other software that might use the port you would like to use.

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