• Is there a way to migrate posts, comments, and links from WordPress 0.72 to 1.0? Like how they are imported from other blog services? I’f not sure if just copying the .72 tables to a 1.0 database will work because I don’t know if any structures or fields were changed.

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  • The upgrade functions take care of everything when you go from .72 to 1.0. Works well.

    The database holds all of the stuff for you. The upgrade is all of the guts that assembles each page as it is requested. Read through the install document – ReadMe.html, and then give it a whirl. It’s quite easy to do. Post back if you have any specific questions or issues.

    You need to run the upgrade (wp-admin/upgrade.php) – it modifies existing tables and adds new ones.

    Thread Starter sharkius


    When I run that I get that long list of SQL/DB errors that I listed the first few of.

    Back up your database and WP install folder.
    Wipe your WP install folder clean.
    Upload a fresh install of the latest WP.
    Copy the wp-sample-config.php file, enter the required database connections information, and save/re-name it to wp-config.php.
    Run the upgrade.php file.
    It worked for me and a few others.



    Does this also work in going from 0.72 to 1.01, or just to 1.0?

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