• It might just be that I don’t know the language to use to find the solution.

    I am using civicrm on wordpress (still in it’s infancy). Civicrm has an RSS feed that is generated from events, like this:

    This throws and error:

    XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
    Location: https://wordpress.demo.civicrm.org/?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/event/ical&reset=1&list=1&rss=1
    Line Number 24, Column 1:<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="CiviCRM 4.2 Demo Site &raquo; Feed" href="https://wordpress.demo.civicrm.org/?feed=rss2" />

    I’ve been told by a civicrm specialist that this is because the original is needed but WP is processing it (adding template/theme).

    So I’m looking for how to access this page without having wordpress process it.

    Where should I look? How do other plugins work around it?


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  • gsibert


    I’m getting close, if you add this code at line 376 of civicrm.php it will strip all of the html causing an issue but it still isn’t quite right…. but closer…

    Note that this does fix the ical feed and download issues.

    // strip rss html added by gs
      if (civicrm_wp_in_civicrm() &&
            $_GET['q'] === 'civicrm/event/ical') {
        CRM_Utils_System::civiExit( );


    Actually, I think I have it all worked out now and there are a few more changes to make it all work well… I’ll write it up and post it here within 24 hours. Cheers.

    Thread Starter dreadedhamish



    I’m wanting to use something like simplepie to pull certain events (from a group) and display them on the groups page in a widget, and I was just considering rebuilding the site in Joomla to achieve this.



    Here you go, everything I did to get my event widget to work:


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