• I’ve been examining the stylesheet and pages, and browsing around from earlier suggestions, trying to figure out a quick way to add date headers between posts on the Impact theme…but only on top of the latest post and the last post of each day. I know that other templates have this, but I can’t figure out how to make the edit. My blog is https://www.hlswatch.com/. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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  • Let’s break your question in two parts (since there really are 2 questions in it)

    1. “on the last post of each day”
    – using the_date template tag (Template_Tags/the_date) you can easily get that

    2. If you want the date ONLY for the last post in the blog – that’s more complicated.

    Thread Starter hlswatch


    I think #1 is what I’m looking for…I’ll check that link and see if I can figure it out. Thanks!

    There is nothing to figure out ??
    Just use the_date template tag and as it says in its description:
    Displays or returns the date of a post or a set of posts if they were all published on the same day. When there are multiple posts published on the same date on a page, the tag will only display the date the first time it’s called.

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