• I uploaded a new theme and as soon as I clicked activate I got a blank screen that says “This theme is released under creative commons licence, all links in the footer should remain intact”

    I did not change any links in the footer, I hadn’t even had a chance to check it out yet.
    I do not have ftp access or host access, someone else is hosting me and I can’t get into contact with them.

    Is there any way that WP can access my blog and delete this theme so I can access my blog again?


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  • >>I do not have ftp access or host access<<

    How did you add the theme? Who hosts it? if you can’t log in, and you have no access to FTP, there’s not a lot oyu can do. (in fact, I can’t think of anything you could do if you can’t get admin access or FTP access.)

    Thread Starter AriMom


    It is hosted by godaddy, under my father in laws account. He is on vacation and can’t access it. I added the theme by uploading it in the dashboard like normal. I can normally go to https://frugalwashingtonmommy.com/wp-admin to access my dashboard but I keep getting this error instead of my dashboard

    It’s definitely a theme issue, but since it’s blocking your access to the WordPress admin area, your only other option is to FTP into the server and delete the theme that way.

    If you can get his GoDaddy login info, you can get into his account that way and set yourself up with an FTP (you’ll have to wait a bit for it to take), but until then, you’ll probably have to wait until he gets back from vacation and can get you the FTP login to the server.

    Your father in law may also have the FTP information buried in his email somewhere. Other than that, you will need to contact GoDaddy directly though you will need to work out the details with your father in law.

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