• LIke the topic says, when I activate the Feedburner plugin within RC2 and point my browser to /feed/ it just shows the front page of my site. When I check the .htaccess files nothing has been changed but I know for a fact that it’s CHMOD 777.

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  • This is because WordPress goes about peramlinks in a totally different way. Before, mod_rewrite would decode it all and then pass it off in a standardized format to WordPress. Now, WordPress takes the requested URL and figures out what was really wanted by itself.

    However, you can still get FeedBurner working with your blog. Just add something like this to your .htaccess file, ABOVE the WordPress stuff:

    RewriteRule ^feed/?$ https://feeds.feedburner.com/feedname [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^some_secret_text/rss2/?$ /wp-rss2.php [QSA,L]

    Then give https://www.theappleblog.com/some_secret_text/rss2/ to FeedBurner and send your users to https://www.theappleblog.com/feed/ which will redirect to your FeedBurner copy. ??

    You can even do this for all of your feeds (which is what I did): https://pastebin.com/469776

    Thread Starter jpigford


    Ah awesome, looks like that did the trick. Thanks! ??

    For me, the above did not work. Notably, my blog is in the /blog/ directory. Here’s what did (double spaced for clarity):

    RewriteBase /blog/

    RewriteRule ^feedburner_137065/?$ /blog/wp-rss2.php [R=307,L]

    RewriteRule ^feed(/atom)?/?$ https://feeds.feedburner.com/tollie [R=307,L]

    RewriteRule ^feed/(atom/)?(.*)$ https://feeds.feedburner.com/tollie/$2 [R=307,L]

    Where the feedburner_137065 was the address already given to Feedburner, from the plugin (so updating feedburner wasn’t necessary).

    I used temporary redirects because – well, it seemed to work when the other seemed to not.

    I’m not an Apache hacker, so this is probably ugly, but it does (seem to) work.

    Further, it allows me to pass information along to feedburner, eg.





    Thanks for that input tollie – that worked for me as well (I also have my blog in a directory).

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I have not used FeedBurner, but you should also be able to point them to this URL, I would think: https://example.com/?feed=rss2



    Yes Otto42 you’re right. And you can replace the RSS link in the sidebar with the new Feedburner feed. The only problem with that is that people with browers which autodetect RSS feeds will sometimes still use the original WordPress feed, so the statistics won’t be accurate.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    >The only problem with that is that people with browers which autodetect RSS feeds…

    RSS feed autodetection is done by the browser looking at the “link” tags in the head of the page. If you look in your header.php (depending on your theme), you can change the feed given here as well, and voila, now they’ll autodetect your feedburner feed (or whatever feed you want them to detect).

    Look for this:
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"...

    That’s the bit you need to modify.



    Thanks Otto:)

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