• Resolved Bucketsaway


    I have just created a custom taxonomy for my events, and would now like to use that taxonomy in the Events Manager shortcode to filter the events according to the custom taxonomy. The plugin support pages say:

    Aside from general attributes for lists, See the WordPress get_terms() Codex for a list of possible search attributes/arguments.

    but how does this work in practice? If my custom taxonomy is ‘event-sponsor’ and the slug of the term I want to filter is ‘ohst’, does the shortcode look like this?

    [events_list limit="10" event_sponsor="ohst"]#_EVENTNAME <br/>[/events_list]

    That doesn’t seem to work…


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  • Thread Starter Bucketsaway


    Ok, a little update here: I followed the instructions in Step 6 of the add-on tutorial, adding the following code to my functions.php in my template folder:

    function my_em_event_sponsors_get_default_search($searches, $array){
    	if( !empty($array['event_sponsor']) && is_numeric($array['event_sponsor']) ){
    		$searches['event_sponsor'] = $array['event_sponsor'];
    	return $searches;
    function my_em_event_sponsors_events_get($events, $args){
    	if( !empty($args['event_sponsor']) && is_numeric($args['event_sponsor']) ){
    		foreach($events as $event_key => $EM_Event){
    			if( !in_array($args['event_sponsor'],$EM_Event->event_sponsor) ){
    	return $events;

    I still do not get any results from the shortcode in my last post, though.

    Thread Starter Bucketsaway


    another update: I’ve also tried using the taxonomy IDs instead of the slugs, and here’s what happens:

    • When I used the slug, it would show me all events, not filtering them at all
    • When I use an ID of a taxonomy, no matter which taxonomy (I went through them all), I don’t get any events to show
    • When I use a range of taxonomy IDs (e.g. “1,2,3”), all events show, including ones not listed with any of those IDs.

    Any thoughts are most welcome!

    Thread Starter Bucketsaway


    This problem really is driving me crazy. I’ve also included the following code in my functions.php

    function my_em_sponsors_event_load($EM_Event){
    	global $wpdb;
    	$EM_Event->event_sponsor = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT meta_value FROM ".EM_META_TABLE." WHERE object_id='{$EM_Event->event_id}' AND meta_key='event-sponsor'", 0	);

    But that doesn’t seem to help, as it wants to look in the em_meta table instead of the standard taxonomies. So I changed it to this:

    function my_em_sponsors_event_load($EM_Event){
    	global $wpdb;
    	$EM_Event->event_sponsor = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id='{$EM_Event->event_id}'", 0	);

    This means that I need to use the term taxonomy ID instead of the term ID, which I found in the term_taxonomy table in my database.

    I know I’m missing something simple here, but my coding just isn’t up to scratch to catch it. Anyone? Thanks.

    on your second post; did you try to remove && is_numeric($array['event_sponsor'])? also, using print_r($events); might help you validate if your custom taxonomy is existing.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    I suggest yo ulook at this section of the EM_Object class in classes/em-object.php around line 338:

    if ( is_numeric($category) ){
    			$not = ( $category < 0 ) ? "NOT":'';

    that’s how we handle searching categroeis using our way, otherwise you can use WP_Query if you just want to query by cateogry.

    Thread Starter Bucketsaway


    Ok, I finally figured it out, and went one better to be able to use the slug in the shortcode instead of the term taxonomy ID. Here’s my solution, which means I can use shortcode like the one I used in my first post. Thanks for your help!

    // This is a way to load event sponsors by slug rather than term taxonomy ID, making it easier to shortcode
    function my_em_sponsors_event_load($EM_Event){
    	global $wpdb;
    	$tax_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id='{$EM_Event->post_id}'", 0	);
    	$term_slugs = array();
    	foreach($tax_ids as $tax_id){
    		$term_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE term_taxonomy_id=$tax_id", 0	);
    		foreach($term_ids as $term_id){
    			$term_slug = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT slug FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE term_id=$term_id", 0	);
    			$term_slugs[] = implode( $term_slug);
    	$EM_Event->sponsors = $term_slugs;
    	//$EM_Event->sponsors = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id='{$EM_Event->post_id}'", 0	); //Use this if you just want to use the term taxonomy ID in the shortcode
    // And make the search attributes for the shortcode
    function my_em_sponsors_get_default_search($searches, $array){
    	if( !empty($array['sponsor']) ){
    		$searches['sponsor'] = $array['sponsor'];
    	return $searches;
    function my_em_sponsors_events_get($events, $args){
    	if( !empty($args['sponsor'])  ){
    		foreach($events as $event_key => $EM_Event){
    			if( !in_array($args['sponsor'],$EM_Event->sponsors) ){
    	//print_r($events); // Use this for debugging
    	return $events;
    Thread Starter Bucketsaway


    I should note that, in my last post, I changed the shortcode from event-sponsor to just sponsor. So the shortcode would like like this: [events_list limit="10" sponsor="ohst"]#_EVENTNAME <br/>[/events_list]

    Hope someone else finds this useful.

    Thank you, the function my_em_sponsors_event_load was essential to me getting this working. Cheers!

    My full code (including creating the custom taxonomy to begin with, along with adding the drop-down select box to the search menu) can be found at this link:


    if anyone is interested

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