• Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/younity/public_html/wp-content/plugins/aweber-comment-optin/aweber-comment-optin.php on line 218

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/younity/public_html/wp-content/plugins/aweber-comment-optin/aweber-comment-optin.php:218) in /home/younity/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 866

    I had a aweber web form plug-in installed also.The above text is on all white error page when I try to upload comment opt-in activation code.It says everything is fine then when I press log in to aweber account button the page comes up.

    I don’t want to remove either of the plugins cause my web forms go with them.My link is https://www.younity.eprofits.com

    As of now I have deactivated both aweber plug-ins.I’m installing vaultpress to save my settings cause I’m using an older version of
    Responsive.I started making modifications to my site before learning about child themes.

    I’ve had over 600 promising comments and just a few opt-ins through
    getresponse,which I can’t use cause aweber needs to reconfirm each one.
    That’s why I’m trying to install comment opt-in.I got 63 comments in the
    past 24 hours alone,still pending,with just 1 confirmed opt-in.

    Well as you can see,I’ve got some issues.Anyone got some ideas on where I should start.

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