No, nothing to change (except css for some themes).
possible problems
1 Maybe your site (with 7389 like from facebook) have reached rapidely the sum of maximum request on twitch Api if you have disable the cache system and so if many visitors have clicked on live stream page until your test and implementation.
The limit is fixed by twitch with a maximum of 45 request for 5 minutes without Api key.
Choose a minimal cache time of 5 minutes for your site in your dashboard > liveTV Bundle > General livestream (cache time option), is a good choice.
ps: I don’t know the ban time by twitch/justin Api. but Google known maybe this.
2 The event you try to share is a competitive big challenge I think. And I don’t know if a owner of a channel (or Twitch) can be disable the authorization to share on other site ???
3 Normally If the plugin return “offline”, therefore the official API twitch/justin returns “offline” otherwise it is impossible the plugin return “offline” for nothing (unless a spelling error is made on your profile for this channel, unless I made ??a mistake in my code).
4 Try to add a 2nd, 3rd,… channel (try with the same channel before others) to view if I have made a mistake in my code.