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  • Moderator James Huff


    What are your two URL options in Options/General?

    Also, was “Chicken Little” posted under a category?

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    Blog and wordpress adresses are the same: (no trailing slash).

    Yes, Article posted under category and seen witin category list.

    Moderator James Huff


    Interesting. Do the permalinks work properly without the /%category%/ tag?

    You might want to check your WordPress address (URI) and Blog address (URI) in the options section and check they are both right. WordPress bases the first part of the permalinks off them so….

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    2 macmanx. Yes. Problem with %category% tag only in any combinations.

    Moderator James Huff


    That’s very odd. The /%category%/ tag was known to be unstable under Apache 1, but it should work perfectly under Apache 2. I think that you should submit this as a bug report.

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    Probably that was raised here:

    Strange… In Apache 1 we had a problem with work of permalinks, In Apache 2 we have problem with permalinks show up.

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    BTW, anybody can show the place, where these links are generated? In my opinion there should be no problems with generation.

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    So, I experimented about for a while: made couple of fresh installs on different urls on the same server – the same situation – %category% is missing.

    I have access to server configuration (VDS). May change of some settings help?

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    Continuing the story…
    Changed settings to be equal on previous host. Not working.

    Looked into code.
    It happens here:
    $category = '';
    if (strstr($permalink, '%category%')) {
    $cats = get_the_category($post->ID);
    $category = $cats[0]->category_nicename;
    if ($parent=$cats[0]->category_parent) $category = get_category_parents($parent, FALSE, '/', TRUE) . $category;

    But why the category name is empty?

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    So I see, that there are similiar problems
    and here

    But I again want to note: ALL PERMALINKS WORK CORRECTLY IF PROPERLY GENERATED (it is not problem in .htaccess rules).Problem is that %category% tag is not shown in URL like in post

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    Sorry for spam, but I have no news or ideas… Do you?

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    Just installed WP2. The same problem.

    My new observations.

    In file template-functions-links.php
    $cats = get_the_category($post->ID); – returns table (array), where categories matching post ID shoild be.

    $category = $cats[0]->category_nicename; – should take from this table (array) first match nicename for category.

    BUT in fact, it should take instead of [0] (means first row), row with category number. So, I understand, that function function get_the_category($id = true) in template-functions-category.php works incorrectly on some hosts or with some settings, selecting ALL categories, not the one.

    I understand, that you are working hard on WP2, but now it is proved to be a bug in WP2 too ??

    Thread Starter Alex Petrenko


    Anyone has PHP 4.2 to check, whether it relates to PHP version?

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