Gah. I can’t even post on a forum.
I changed something in b2template.functions.php today, and when Isaved it, some ofthelayout/markup/spacingchanged, and it’s no longer working. I CAN’T find themistake, and I can’t find my backup file.
Does anyone have thisfile from the 0.72 release? I’m afraid to upgrade now that things are not working.
…I uploaded an old b2 file instead, and it looks less broken, but I doubt it will be okay in the long run. If anyone has the proper 0.72 file, can I please have it?
@eva: Matt will probably kill me for this, but I saved a copy of the old 0.72 for legacy purposes. Here is the link to the whole zip file (0.72 gold). b2template.functions.php should be in there.