• Resolved sergeyzimin


    I had ‘Auto Excerpt everywhere’ plugin installed on my WP and when i tried to activate Network Latest posts i got a fatal error saying that Auto Excerpt already declared. And i don;t want to use Network Latest posts on all blogs (only on the root site) but i need Auto Excerpts on other blogs. What to do?

    I have 2 other questions:
    1) how to define categories – by id or by slug. It should be by slug because it’s not easy to find out the category id if you don’t look into database and id of the same category may be different on other blogs but slug can be the same. I tried to use slug (‘news’ on all my blogs) but no output at all. Can i do something with that?

    2) It could be easier not to exclude blogs but define what blogs should be included. I have network structure as country >> state >> city so i want only state news to appear in country news. And now imagine how many cities in each state i have to exclude. Could be easier to include 50 states only. What i need to change in the code to switch this setting?


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  • Thread Starter sergeyzimin


    I have fixed the issue that i put in topic.
    I have changed name of the function to ‘auto_excerpt_nlp’ on lines 905, 502, 443, 413. Now both plugins work fine together.

    2) I have changed line 96 from
    $ignore = ” AND blog_id != $ignore_blog “; to
    $ignore = ” AND blog_id = $ignore_blog “;
    and line 104 to:
    $ignore = ” AND (“;
    $ignore .= ” blog_id = $ignore_arr[$z] OR”;
    $ignore = substr($ignore,0,strlen($ignore)-2);
    $ignore .= “)”;

    and now only content from blogs that i want to include is showing up.
    Didn’t have time to add an option for ‘include’ how it should be, maybe authors of plugin will do that.

    Just need to know about categories….

    Plugin Author Jose Luis SAYAGO


    Hello Sergey,

    Thanks for your invaluable feedback. I’ve added the nlp_ prefix to the excerpt functions to avoid compatibility problems.

    As for the blog IDs, thanks to you I spotted a problem in the display blog query, I’ve fixed this. In version 3 you can choose to ignore one or several blogs, or display only the ones you want to.

    As an exemple, if you would like to display the posts for blogs 1 & 3 you can set the parameter blog_id like this: blog_id=1,3 it will display ONLY the posts for those blogs, in case you want to ignore some blogs, let’s say 2 & 3 then: ignore_blog=2,3.



    I am using auto excerpt everywhere but would only like to excerpt my posts not pages. Any idea how to accomplish this? I am at a loss. I don’t want to excerpt the text on my home page, but need to excerpt on my post pages. Thank you for your help!

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