Hi. I wrote a little jQuery function that should solve your pb. Here is step-by-step walk-through on how to implement it:
1. Create a file named slider.js
inside the folder:
and paste the following code inside:
// Center Slider Controls (bacon strips)
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(window).load(function() {
$j('#controls').wrap('<div class="controls-container" />');
$j('#controls').css('left', ($j('.wrapper').width() - $j('#controls').width())/2).children('a').first().css('margin', '0 auto');
$j('.controls-container').css({ 'position':'fixed', 'display':'block', 'height':$j('#controls').height(), 'left':$j('#carousel').offset().left, 'top':$j('#controls').offset().top, 'width':$j('#carousel').width() });
$j('#controls').animate( {'opacity':'1'}, 1000 );
2. Open your style.css
file, locate this selector:
#controls {
and add this property inside:
opacity: 0;
That will make the slider controls invisible until our function kicks in. The reason why we need this is to hide the fact that the controls will be moving while the page loads (not very elegant).
That should do the trick.
Let me know if works as expected.