• Resolved DomenU



    I’m new to this forum and to WordPress. Today I tried installing WordPress to my chosen hosting service https://byethost11.com/. I used the “5 minutes install guide” as a reference.
    I need help running the install script. I configured MySQL and transfered all the wordpress files to the root of my server via FTP. What URL should I type to run the install script? I tried the hostname of my domain, but it didn’t work.

    I appreciate any help.

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  • Hi.
    Usually, accessing your domain should suffice to trigger the install. If that doesn’t work, try to access your admin area:


    Thread Starter DomenU


    Doesn’t help. When I go to mydomain.com/wp-admin it redirects me to a site whit hosting ads.

    Site url?

    Doesn’t help. When I go to mydomain.com/wp-admin it redirects me to a site whit hosting ads.

    In that case, IMHO, you need to either:
    1. Have to reinstall WP because it was not properly installed, making sure that all the files are properly uploaded;
    2. Contact your hosting company so that they can help you set up your site properly.

    @esmi: I messed up the bquote in my reply above. Any chance you could fix it? Really sorry!

    Thread Starter DomenU


    I checked it now and it works. I succesfuly installed WP and am on my way to create my site. ??

    Oh cool! Chances are your domain name had not yet propagated then.
    Good luck with your site.
    Please don’t forget to mark the thread as resolved whenever you can.

    Thread Starter DomenU


    Thank you for your help!

    I have one more question. I’ve made a flash photo gallery which is an htm l file. How can I integrate it with my wp?

    I think the best way to include that gallery, if it’s already in HTML, is to create a page in your Admin Panel and just pour the code there. Make sure not to include the <html>, <head>, or <body> tags since they would be repeated and is not good at all. Also, if you are calling any JS scripts, make sure to do it from your functions.php with conditional tags.
    Let me know if you don’t know how to do that.

    Thread Starter DomenU


    I did a little test by transfering all the Gallery files to the server and accesing that folder via browser and it worked.
    I created a new site and pasted the code. Now I have to know where the html of the new site is stored so I can get the gallery folders there.

    Thread Starter DomenU


    Another problem: I changed WP url and all the design and picures are gone, I also can’t access the dashboard. How do I fix this?
    I wonder why are people so kind to help newbies.

    @esmi: Thanks!
    @domenu: The thread esmi shared should put you in the right direction.
    if you want to regain access to your site, try the Editing wp-config.php approach (also from the same Codex entry). Once you do that, the settings that you specified in the Admin Panel should get overridden.

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