Hi David,
Thanks for downloading NextGEN Gallery Optimizer Premium!
For an attractive and responsive header slideshow, I would recommend the JJ NextGEN jQuery Slider plugin. It works well with both NextGEN Gallery and Optimizer, and can be inserted right into your header via shortcode or widget.
Here’s a little quick-start guide for you…
1. If you haven’t already, grab yourself a copy of NextGEN Gallery and the JJ NextGEN jQuery Slider, and activate them both through your admin plugins page…
2. Go to Gallery –> Add Gallery/Images
Click the “Add New Gallery” tab, enter a name for your gallery and click the “Add gallery” button.
3. Click the “Upload Images” tab, click the “Select Files” button and choose which images you want to upload from your computer, select the gallery you just created from the “in to” dropdown menu, and click the “Upload images” button to begin the transfer.
*** Note: Your images will display at full size in the slider, so you’ll want to crop them to a size appropriate for your template beforehand. You could also use the “Scale images” checkbox on the upload screen, though you may want to change the dimensions for the “Resize images” setting at Gallery –> Options –> Images before you begin. The default size for Twenty Eleven’s header is 1000 pixels x 288 pixels.
4. Next you’ll need to remove your existing header image by navigating to Appearance –> Header and clicking the “Remove Header Image” button.
5. Finally, we’ll enter a line of php where your header was to call the slider shortcode. To do this, you’ll need to open your theme’s header.php file, either through your FTP client or by navigating to Appearance –> Editor –> Header (save the original first though!). In the code, look for mentions of “site-title” and “site-description” and below that section, insert the following…
<?php echo do_shortcode('[jj-ngg-jquery-slider gallery="1" title="" html_id="about-slider" width="1000" height="288" effect="slideInRight" pausetime="6000" center="1"]'); ?>
6. And that’s it! Save your changes, reload your site and your slider should be live!
Hope this helps!
PS. In the php, I’ve already added a few parameters to better suit your requirements such as “slideInRight” for horizontal sliding, width and height to match the Twenty Eleven header and a 6 second pause between slides…but you can modify this further from the many settings listed on the JJ NextGEN Jquery Slider repository page. Also, the gallery=”1″ should match the id number of the NextGEN gallery you wish to display.