• This issue has really got me stumped. My footer is perfectly placed in IE8, Chrome and Opera, however when it comes to IE7 and Firefox, the footer is no longer anchored to the bottom of the page and instead hovers.

    Trying to use any position/margin css codes just causes the page to extend,

    I’m assuming its an issue with my <body> or <html> heights but both are set to 100% so I’m stumped.

    I’ve got some comparison screenshots for you: chrome and firefox.

    And here the relevant pieces of code (this is on a local servers so I can’t give access).

    html {
        height: 100%;
    body { background: url(Images/bg_colour.png) no-repeat center center fixed;
    	-webkit-background-size: cover;
    	-moz-background-size: cover;
    	-o-background-size: cover;
    	background-size: cover;
       font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12.14px;
    .clear {
    #pagewrap { width: 960px;
                margin: 0 auto;
    #footer  {float: left;
              width: 955px;
              height: 140px;
              margin-top: 40px;
              background:url(Images/Footer.png) no-repeat;
              padding-left: 5px;
              text-align: left;}

    Excuse the messiness, I’m still an amateur CSS coder.
    Here is the Footer.php code (not sure if its of any use)

    <div class:"clear"></div>
    <div id="footer">
     * The template for displaying the footer.
     * Contains the closing of the id=main div and all content
     * after.  Calls sidebar-footer.php for bottom widgets.
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Starkers
     * @since Starkers 3.0
    	/* A sidebar in the footer? Yep. You can can customize
    	 * your footer with four columns of widgets.
    	get_sidebar( 'footer' );
    <div id="copyright">
    			<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/" title="Hit more.Miss Less" rel="generator">2012 Luk Gaming All Rights Reserved</a>
    	/* Always have wp_footer() just before the closing </body>
    	 * tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins, which
    	 * generally use this hook to reference JavaScript files.
    </div> <!---- Page Wrap ended ---->

    Any help would be great!

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  • Almost impossible to be much help without seeing the site — sorry.

    No not a height issue — height expands according to how much content is on the page. If you make it a fixed value — that will cause other problems.

    You could try adding “clear: both;” to the footer css — which will push it below other floated elements on the page (if the ones above are floated, that might be the problem).

    And validating the page may find any mark-up errors that can cause layout inconsistencies in browsers…


    Thread Starter Luk Gaming


    Believe me if I could show you my site I would, however moving everything into an actual domain is something out of my hands for the moment, my client wants this to remain on a local server.

    I could give you my IP but I’m not sure if that would give you access.

    Anyway, the clear:both doesn’t help, it was already in the footer.php and putting within the <div id=footer> doesn’t do anything different.

    You’re right the height isn’t the issue (I don’t think?). Putting the footer height to auto doesn’t do anything either as the footer remains in that position and simply extends down to the bottom.

    But to me this seems to be an issue with the body, html or pagewrap rather than the footer, as the footer itself seems perfectly normal and using position styles does move it, however the window simply gets bigger to accommodate and the gap between the website bottom and footer remains the same.

    Its really got me stumped. And my mark-up is valid, I use dreamweaver which helps out with mark-up errors alot.

    Could it be because the footer is not within the pagewrap for some reason?

    Believe me if I could show you my site I would, however moving everything into an actual domain is something out of my hands for the moment, my client wants this to remain on a local server.

    Understand…frustrating I’m sure.

    IS the footer inside the pagewrap?

    You might try removing all positioning CSS and start from basics — a lot of times, you get so much garbled CSS from trying things and then it’s hard to tell what’s going on at all. You’ll have code that is not doing anything at all or even messing up something else.

    Are you using Firebug to look at the CSS code that is actually affecting the elements?

    Thread Starter Luk Gaming


    The footer is ‘technically’ within the page wrap, but I’m always cautious that the end </div> doesn’t actually end the page wrap but ends the footer and the one before hand ends the page wrap instead (if that makes sense?). So its somewhat outside of the page wrap.

    The reason I think it could be out of the page is because, when I do what you suggested (removing all position CSS on it) this is what I get.

    I’ve looked at the CSS code via Firebug, there is no additional code around the footer that would be causing this. I would usually have some indication of this issue with stuff like this but I don’t.

    A note, the results of removing the margin-top is what causes the footer to break up like in the screenshot linked above. It creates the same result in both firefox and chrome, leading me to think footer positioning isn’t the issue.

    The weirdest thing is that it works in IE8 but not IE7…

    Is there any possible way to allow you to view my site? somehow give you access to my local server?

    Is there any possible way to allow you to view my site? somehow give you access to my local server?

    Not that I know of — local machines are behind firewalls and that’s hard to change (and a security issue).

    Are you SURE, you have no mark-up or CSS errors? Run the code through the w3c validator just to be sure. I know DW is good, but just in case…

    If it’s outside the page wrap and it’s floated, that may be the cause…but it’s so hard to say without seeing it. It IS weird — that the background is one place and content another — that’s more typically from open or missing tags…

    Thread Starter Luk Gaming


    Not that I know of — local machines are behind firewalls and that’s hard to change (and a security issue).

    Well a quick check on google told me its possible, if you’re up for it, I could message you the details to minimize security issues.

    Are you SURE, you have no mark-up or CSS errors? Run the code through the w3c validator just to be sure. I know DW is good, but just in case…

    I just used nifty chrome add-on to validate the CSS and HTML, there are errors but all of them are concerning plugins that contain extra coding for specific browsers. None of them have anything to do with the footer, body, html or pagewrap.

    If it’s outside the page wrap and it’s floated, that may be the cause…but it’s so hard to say without seeing it. It IS weird — that the background is one place and content another — that’s more typically from open or missing tags…

    It’s floated left. But like I said, the validation didn’t detect any open or missing tags. I’m more then willing to paste out the results.

    Thread Starter Luk Gaming


    I’ve figured out the issue.

    The css style for the HTML isn’t working properly in FireFox. For some reason it’s not registering height:100%; as 100% of the screen and instead is cutting it short.

    You can see what I mean in this screenshot.

    I’m not sure how to fix this issue. Is there a css style I could use that means the html is still the full size of the screen without using height:100%;?

    Thread Starter Luk Gaming



    In footer you have <div class:"clear"></div>
    why don’t you try to change this to
    <div class="clear"></div>
    That should do it for Firefox, because what you have shoved us is just a float error.
    As far as IE7 is conserned, it’s having problems with clear:both…

    Thread Starter Luk Gaming


    Tried that, it didn’t work…thanks for the tip though.

    Any other possible solutions?

    don’t know… Maybe under #footer delete float:left?
    Easiest way to see what is wrong is to right click an element (footer for example) and choose ‘inspect element’. That will give you a way to try a lot of different things until you find what is wrong with your layout.

    Thread Starter Luk Gaming


    Tried that, makes no difference (in fact that probably means I should delete that float style).

    I did the inspect element, clicked and unclicked literally everything that is functioning on it, the issue is not the footer.

    From the screenshot I showed before, its plain that the issue is to do with the HTML code. The footer is in the right place, at the bottom of the html file. Its the html file that isn’t position at the bottom of the webpage.

    Here is the screenshot again.

    I might have to temp host it on a free hosting site so you can see for yourself.

    EDIT/UPDATE: I did some more checking, it’s definitely an issue with the height:100% style. Not only does the html not reach the bottom but neither does the page-wrap or body, all of these are set to height:100% and all of them end at the same part which is not at the bottom of the webpage (hence the footer is not anchored to the bottom as it should be).

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