Hi all, installed everything concerning the wp useronline plugin and still left is creating the useronline table.
So , in the read me file it says i should run the sql as mentioned below:// Create Useronline Table
$sql[] = “CREATE TABLE $wpdb->useronline (“.
int(15) NOT NULL default ‘0’,”.
varchar(50) NOT NULL default ”,”.
varchar(40) NOT NULL default ”,”.
varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,”.
varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,”.
” PRIMARY KEY (timestamp
” KEYusername
” KEYip
” KEYfile
))”;Since running query’s is not yet a praticed skill i’m getting the following error:
“CREATE TABLE useronline (“. ”
int(15) NOT NULL default ‘0’,”. ”username
varchar(50) NOT NULL default ”,”. ”ip
varchar(40) NOT NULL default ”,”. ”location
varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,”. ”url
varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,”. ” PRIMARY KEY (timestamp
),”. ” KEYusername
),”. ” KEYip
),”. ” KEYfile
MySQL retourneerde:#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax near ‘”CREATE TABLE useronline (“.
int(15) NOT NULL default ‘0’,”.
‘ at line 1Can someone please explain what this means?? and how i can succesfully run the query?
THanks in advance people!
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