Error fixes: I have no idea if these fixes are CORRECT, but they appear to get rid of the errors without breaking anything.
Ok, fix for the error for line 906:
to go edit themes and open the Theme Functions (functions.php) file
Scroll about 1/4 of the way down till you see this:
* Set stylesheet and few javascript
if(!function_exists(“add_raindrops_stylesheet”) and $wp_version >= 3.4 ){
function add_raindrops_stylesheet() {
global $raindrops_current_theme_name;
$themes = wp_get_themes();
$current_theme = $raindrops_current_theme_name;
$raindrops_version = $themes[$current_theme][‘Version’];
$raindrops_version = “0.1”;
$template_uri = get_template_directory_uri();
Find the section I bolded and either deleted it or comment it out.
For the errors for lines 2486 & 2487:
Find the following code (about 2/3rds of the way down in the functions.php):
* Template function print header image
* This function has filter hook name raindrops_header_image
* @param array( ‘img’=> ‘image uri’ , ‘height’ => ‘image height’ , ‘color’ => ‘text color’, ‘style’ => ‘(default) background-size:cover;’ , ‘description’ => ‘replace text from bloginfo(description) to your text’,’description_style’ => ‘Your description style rule’)
* @return string htmlblock <div id=”[‘header-image’]” style=”background-image:url([img]);height:[height];color:#[color]][style]”><p [description_style]>[WordPress site description]</p></div>
if ( ! function_exists( ‘raindrops_header_image’ ) and $wp_version >= 3.4){
function raindrops_header_image($type = ‘default’, $args = array() ){
$image_modify = get_theme_mods();
$image_modify = $image_modify[header_image_data];
$url = get_theme_mod( ‘header_image’ );
$uploads = wp_upload_dir();
$path = $uploads[‘path’].’/’. basename( $url );
list($img_width, $img_height, $img_type, $img_attr) = getimagesize($path);
$ratio = $img_height / $img_width;
$raindrops_page_width = raindrops_warehouse_clone(‘raindrops_page_width’);
switch( true ){
Comment or delete the two bolded lines.
If you’re having issues with the 100% fluid page width not working right, find the following code in functions.php (very near the top, less than 1/4 of the way down):
* fluid page main column minimam width px
if( !isset( $raindrops_fluid_minimam_width ) ){
$raindrops_fluid_minimam_width = ‘481’;
* fluid page main column maximam width px
if( !isset( $raindrops_fluid_maximam_width ) ){
$raindrops_fluid_maximam_width = ‘1280’;
Correct the spellings of minimum and maximum…..