Todd(Geeknews) is defending my work. If there is a bug in PowerPress we’ll fix it. We definitely want our plugin to work harmoniously with the Facebook plugin.
Matt/Otto, the blame game is very common in the WP plugin/theme community, it’s sad because all the other open source communities I’ve been involved with are much more diplomatic and are willing to work together for the sake of making the code better. In the past I have worked with various theme/plugin developers help them solve these types of issues and everyone was happy. But 2 years back I worked with a very rude theme developer who, after I coded him a patch for his theme and explained the situation, told me I was an idiot, go F myself and to fix my own plugin. Since then I make it a practice not to invest my time or energy unless all parties are willing to work together.
Matt/Otto, are you willing to work with me to solve this problem?
Matt, please email me cio [at] t I’d love to discuss how PowerPress can use/work with the Facebook plugin to share podcast specific data into Facebook. I’ve researched open-graph in the past to integrate into PowerPress. Now this plugin is here I would much rather put a note in PowerPress that says “Install Facebook plugin for Facebook/podcasting integration”. PowerPress is doing something similar with the VideoJS player, just add that plugin and then PowerPress can use it.