• Hi Caroline
    I really love your theme
    in the “Patchwork Theme Options”- style theme section i have tried to remove (uncheck) the possibilitys with no success
    I would like to see my website without the theme style, how can i do it?
    thanks allot

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  • Hi Keren. You can’t uncheck the theme options, but you can create a child theme and override the existing styles in your child theme’s style.css.

    Hi sixhours,

    I created child theme (file name: style.css) with following heading but did not take place of the original css.

    Theme Name: Patchwork Child
    Description: Child theme for the patchwork theme
    Template: patchwork

    @import url(“https://mysite.com/home/wp-content/theme/patchwork/style.css”);

    /* =Theme Styles
    ———————————————– */

    /* Header */

    I tried using @import url(..patchwork/style.css”);
    It is not working eighter.

    Please help. Thanks.

    You’re missing a forward slash:

    @import url(../patchwork/style.css");

    Hi sixhours, still not working with
    @import url(../patchwork/style.css”);

    One more question, I tried to take away footer-bottom, I copied file sunny.css to child theme same directory, but the file does not show up at appearance/editor.

    Please help. Thanks!

    You’re also missing the opening quote:

    @import url("../patchwork/style.css");

    Ensure you’re following the directions here to the letter.

    Sunny.css won’t be automatically replaced with your child theme’s sunny.css–only core WordPress theme files (index.php, header.php, footer.php, etc.) do this.

    If you want to overwrite sunny.css in your child theme, you need to create both the CSS file and a functions.php file to enqueue the stylesheet. You can see an example of how stylesheets are enqueued by looking at the parent theme’s functions.php. This thread has some useful information from a user who’s done this with a different theme.

    That said, depending on what you’re trying to do, it might be easier to add any CSS rules to your child theme’s style.css. Sometimes you can use the !important declaration to your rules to force them to override the other stylesheet, although this isn’t a best practice.

    Hi sixhours, I feel sorry still not working. I pasted this code to my css header:

    @import url(“../patchwork/style.css”);

    I can’t really help without more information. If you’re following the instructions on the Child Theme guide I’ve linked above, it will work.

    Do you have the parent theme installed?

    Are both the child theme and parent theme located in the /themes directory?

    Did you add the style rules you want to change to your child theme’s style.css?

    My apology, just missing a click on Activate the child.
    Thank you so much for your time sixhours.

    I am using the patchwork theme. Can you tell me how to remove the frame or border from a picture (not all pictures, just a single picture)?
    Thank you.

    Use firebug to remove this designing issue danamatas

    Hi Caroline,

    How do I customise the name of the homepage on the menu? I want it to say something else instead of just “Home”.

    – Susanna

    Hi Caroline.
    I just wanted to say I love all your themes. They are so fluid, clear and beautifully designed.
    I’m using this One for me life coaching and reflexology website. I am quite crafty too so I think it reflects me.
    I would,enter mind changing the colouration though but I am not techy and have no idea how so until I can afford to get you to customise it and make it maybe more ‘coachy’ I’ll leave it as is.


    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Create your own thread with these issues.

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