• Would love to know if you have any thoughts on it or if you find any of the articles interesting or informative. This isn’t financially motivated, purely a project of passion/trying to give back to others some of the things I’ve learned (the hard way). I know people struggle a lot mentally, and it’s just not necessary:


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  • I’m not an expert (and English isn’t my primary language), but wouldn’t, to paraphrase, declaring that someone is mad if they are seeking information on your site have a negative effect on an already unstable person’s psyche, provided that the target audience actually reaches the page?

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s a wonderful initiative and a noble cause, I wish you the best of luck with the site, however the domain/title really didn’t sit well with me. I’m saying this with very best intentions.

    Is black good?

    Hello there!

    I love the content of your site, it’s brilliant. However! I found it really hard to read, witht he white text on black background.

    I also think when you’re in a struggling state, that it may be better to have a ‘lighter’ feel.
    Just some honest feedback for you! You’re doing great work!


    Lovely photos, important subject, but it’s almost impossible to read due to the lack of contrast between the text and the background. There are several online resources that analyze color contrast(Google “test color contrast”).

    BTW – I also find the black-on-black background too much, i.e., the subject alone conveys enough darkness metaphorically.

    Some interesting articles and an interesting topic!

    You made me think some! lol

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