• Hi.. am a new user of WordPress, and this is my little corner of cyberspace. Hope you like it.

    if there are any comments or suggestions you would like to make, do feel free! =)



    (I am aware of markup problems in ALL 409 uncategorized posts in the archives… that’s because they were imported from deadjournal. I will get around to fixing them someday, but for now, all front page posts were created in WP, and should appear fine.)

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  • Nice job. Very clean, simple template. Did you create it or find it here? I think fixing the position of the background image (the horizontal strip) might have a nice effect.

    Thread Starter silvr


    Hi there… thanks for your compliments, however the credit for the template design should go to Phu Ly. I got the flex theme off here , changing nothing except doing minor content and CSS customization to have some things look just the way i want. The black borders around all posted pictures, for example.

    Are you suggesting the white strip be moved up to coincide with the bottom of the site header? Or do away with it completely? Frankly, I rather like it where it is… rule of thirds and all.. =)

    No, I also like the white stripe where it is. I am suggesting that you keep it in the same place even when the user scrolls down your page:

    background-attachment: fixed;

    Thread Starter silvr


    ooh ok… sounds like a good idea.. i’ll give it a shot in a while..

    Thread Starter silvr


    Well, I tried it, and it’s not working. I added background-attachment: fixed; into the body section of the css.. but nothing changes.. *shrug* I have also tried putting it under #container, but to no avail.

    could someone help me with this please? (CSS n00b here)

    a copy of my style.css can be found here.

    I looked through your CSS and couldn’t find the background image file: “background.png”. Turns out you’ve placed an inline style in the head on your XHTML page (why?).

    Place the background-attachement: fixed; with the code that sets the background image:

    body {
    background: #6C7C8B, url(“https://www.neverforever.net/wp-content/themes/flex/images/background.png”) repeat-x;
    background-attachment: fixed; /* FIX THE BACKGROUND HERE */

    You may also want to move this entire bit of CSS into your style sheet rather than leaving it in the XHTML.

    Thread Starter silvr


    fixed! thank you very much!

    i downloaded this theme… please don’t shoot me. I guess the reference to the background image was placed by the author in the XHTML because it dynamically referenced the .png like this

    background: #6C7C8B url("<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/background.png") repeat-x;

    rather than hardcoding the path into the css. Erm.. correct me if i’m wrong… I’m just guessing.

    I promise not to shoot you.

    Nice job.

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