• Hello! I was wondering if someone might be able to help me. My knowledge of domain files is completely below par which makes me very confused as to how I can install WP into my addon domain. If anyone can provide assistance with a step by step guide (for dummies) as to how I can go about creating my “second” website using wordpress, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you for your time, Rachael

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  • Totally new myself to WP but just completed one so from memory here are the stages. If you google what you want there is so much info available but each assumes you know a bit more than you do!

    I have assumed you have ordered or transferred your domain to your hosting company

    Two points of reference see https://www.craniumstorm.com/how-to-move-a-wordpress-site/
    who has more info and knowledge than I another link is https://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2010/04/03/moving-your-wordpress-site-and-database/

    The info below is top level, I’m sure an expert will tweak or correct if needed

    Firstly do you have a FTP programme like Filezilla, its free.Download and get familiar with it.
    Go to your hosting provider and look for FTP access info and set up your access, add the access info to filezilla or whatever you use

    Assuming you have created your website in WP, downloaded the WSD security, site back up and WP SEO plug ins and completed the SEO information plus a load of other stuff you can start

    On your pc you would have had a test server programme like Xampp, within this you will have your WP software and a sub directory called htdocs, within this you would probably have a folder with your addon web domain site info. this is where you back up your files from

    Back the site up, back the site up, back the site up. You need a plug in like WP-DBManager

    Back up and dump your SQL database. If you are using Xampp type localhost and you will see how to do the above locally prior adding to your hosting site

    The easiest tool to use here is going to be phpMyAdmin. Any hosting provider worth their salt is going to offer this to their users. Follow the links steps above to get your existing database exported:
    How you now load will depend on your website provider

    Create a sub directory folder off the root of your hosting website in the control panel – say called XXX’ or ‘whatever name ‘you have . This is where you will load your WP files

    In your online hosting provider control panel , point the domain to the new folder you have provided.

    Create a SQL database by following the online instructions of your provider

    now this is where things can go a rye.

    Upload these using filezilla (or similar)to your new folder which you created off the root directory !

    Now it gets worse

    Many problems result from the SQL database, see the links above

    If you get broken image links refer to the articles above. If you find you have this and his solution does not work but you find one please let me know so I can try it!

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