• I notice WordPress writes
    rel=”category tag”
    next to categories after posts.

    The code that defines this in the templates looks to be
    <?php the_category(‘,’); ?>

    I’d like to try editing the_category to read
    instead – to see if this makes the posts show up on Technorati tag search (right now they don’t).

    Anyone know which file this is in to edit?

    (And has anyone got Technorati to index their tags??)

    Many thanks for any help!

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  • Please see this thread and comment by macmanx:

    Thread Starter hilaryjb


    Thanks. Unfortunately, Technorati doesn’t index my blog’s tags at all. I suppose the question is – does it index tags on any WordPress blogs?

    Ie – is it that Technorati’s indexing is unreliable/inconsistent?
    Or is the problem that WordPress writes ‘category tag’ instead of ‘tag’, and Technorati doesn’t recognise this?

    Can anyone confirm if Technorati has indexed tags for their blog?

    try a Technorati plugin

    Thread Starter hilaryjb


    Yes, got one, I’ll try that: a list of tags at the end of every post.

    But I’d love to get Technorati recognising the WordPress categories as tags, like it says it does on their support pages. Why doesn’t it, and how can I fix this…?

    Thread Starter hilaryjb


    For anyone searching for a solution to this – it was because of some technical problem at Technorati which also prevented me from ‘claiming’ my blog. (It kept coming back with a message that it wasn’t claimable.) I contacted them a couple of times, they fixed this, I claimed it, and now it knows my tags exist. Nice.

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