Publishing only certain categories to the front page
I have a need to maintain a list of category posts for my site, but they’re not really germane to the “main” focus of the site. I’d like to post them, and have them accessible for readers, but I don’t want them to go to the front page when I post them. Is there a way to either configure WordPress or tweak my theme to accomplish this?
For example, let’s suppose the main thrust of my site is long, rambling posts on the lint I find in my belly-button. Those are the posts I want to go to the main page, and want to let my readers know about. Secondarily, suppose I have a “smell” category and “taste” category that kept up with how each piece of belly-button lint smelled and tasted. Those would be short posts (“Smelled like Cheetos”, “Tasted like chicken”) and I wouldn’t want to clutter the front page with them, because that would detract on my loving descriptions of mining the lint and how I felt about it. Make sense? I want people to *see* the categories, and be able to get to them, but I don’t want them to publish to the front page when I publish them.
I know PHP, but I don’t know the ins and outs of WordPress yet. Also, I’m from Alabama, so type slowly, please.
Thanks in advance!
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