• When including featured images in posts using the 3 columns theme for BuddyPress, the header disappears from the posts. When I delete the featured images, the header reappears and conforms to the rest of the site. Any thoughts on what can be done to resolve this issue?

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  • Did you solve this? I had the same problem with BP-Default 1.5, found your thread when I was looking for help.

    Anyway, I seem to have solved it … no point in going into lots of detail if you have too but if it’s still a problem for you I might have a solution!

    ?? Michael ??

    Suddenly thought … if someone else finds this a year from now looking for an answer I’ll probably have forgotten what I did so … to cut it very short .. in the BP theme CSS there’s a header section with loads of if it’s Firefox, do this, if it’s IE do that etc. …. after that I just inserted a line to set a background image – the same one as I uploaded in WP as the header image. Seems to have done the trick.

    (-: Michael ??

    Thread Starter moneybar


    Hi Michael – I have not resolved this issue. Do you mind sharing your solution with me? I greatly appreciate your help!


    Longer answer, as I wrote it out for moneybar

    The theme file has several CSS files. I’m using BP-Default 1.5 but I’m sure the three column version is very similar. One is called “default.css”. Near the top, there’s a section that deals with CSS code for the ‘header’ section. It’s a very lengthy entry for

    #header {

    .. which is the first thing in my ‘header’ section. It contains loads of entries about how it should be presented in different browsers – rounded corners for Firefox, different gradients in Opera, etc.

    At the end of all of this, I just inserted a new line:-

    background-image: url( ../images/default_header.jpg

    There was already a file called this in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/images/

    I renamed this original one (just in case!) then uploaded the picture I had uploaded as the header image (I’m just using one, not randomly rotating them … I’m sure there’s a clever way to do that too, but I haven’t thought about it!) named as default_header.jpg

    That was all there was to it. Now when I view the posts with featured images attached, I see the same header as the rest of the site, and as I see for posts that don’t have featured images.

    I THINK it has to do with BP now (apparently) using ‘featured images’ to generate the header. Not sure – but it was that snippet of info that pointed me in the right direction … kind of.

    Anyway … seems to have worked for me. Only completed it a few minutes ago, but it has passed the quick tests I’ve done. Luckily I don’t plan on changing the header image a lot once the site is completed, so it shouldn’t be a problem for later. If you change yours often, it MIGHT work if you use a different path / address for your background image … tell it to look at the one you’re using already, rather than copy it into the directory I’ve said. Haven’t tried it, but it seems logical that it would work!

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