• I’m looking for a theme with turnkey ad management system built-in. I want to be able to publish local ads in 728 x 90 leaderboard in the header and 300 x 250 medium rectangle in the right sidebar.

    I found several plugins out there but some were poorly documented, others didn’t work, and others had ad placement and ad size restrictions.

    Will consider both free or commercial templates.

    Any suggestions?

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  • What style of theme are you looking for? Its usually easy enough to insert ads into any theme, so what features are you looking for in the “ad management system”?

    Knowing will help in answering / suggesting themes.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    I’m looking for a theme for an agricultural organization based in central Florida. The theme should be able to support 728 x90 leader board in the header and 300 x 250 large rectangle in the right sidebar.

    Here are a couple things I’m looking for in the ad management system:

    1. The ad management system needs to be menu driven. In other words the client should be able to browse for an image and upload it to a targeted ad spot and complete a form with scheduling information. Client should not have to wrestle with ftping images and manipulating code in order to get ads to show up.

    2. Ad management system needs to be able to target an ad to a targeted location (i.e. Front page, run of site, pages etc)

    3. Should be fairly easy to define ad sizes and locations. Most of the ad management plugins and themes I looked at had restrictions on either ad size and placement. You many be able to target ads to the right side bar but the theme would not support ad targeting in the header.

    4. I’m primarily interested in posting local ads (typically static images with a clickthrough) verses Google ad sense or other remnant ad campaigns.

    5. Should be able to target ads as a fixed placement or rotate with other ads.

    6. Should have basic traffic reports (impressions, clickthroughs etc)

    7. Should have the ability to create campaigns. A campaign provides the ability to target multiple ad messages for the same advertiser.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    I found a plugin called Advertwhirl. Seems to be doing the trick. The tag

    You need to use the updated template tag posted in the Advertwhirl forums
    <?php echo advertwhirl_get_ad(‘Your_Campaign’); ?>

    I was not able to get the template tag Template>Getting Started tutorial.

    Works great!

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