• I’m using brian’s threaded comments (https://meidell.dk/archives/2004/09/04/nested-comments/), and wanted to make special looking comemtns for registered users, in that registered users have black text with a blue border, and non-registered users have gray text with a gray border. I used official comments (https://inner.geek.nz/archives/2005/01/12/wp-plugin-official-comments/) but to change the comment’s look, they use

    <li class="comment <?php echo (is_wpuser_comment() ? ' commentOfficialUser' : ''); ?>" id="comment-&lt?php comment_ID() ?>">

    which you can easily insert into the regular comments template that some with Wore Press. However, Brians’s comments use this:

    <li class="<?php echo $oddcomment; ?>" id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>">

    which I replaced with

    <div id="div-comment-<?php echo $c->comment_ID ?>" <?php
    if (is_wpuser_comment) {
    echo "class='commentOfficialUser'";
    else {
    echo "class='comment'";

    OK, so registered users work fine – non-registered users, however, look the smae as registered users. Any ideas?

    site (https://www.zoneforums.com/jumboshrimp)

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