• I’ve just transferred to wordpress from typepad, and am trying to set up a system to redirect my old rss feeds to my new ones, using .htaccess. I’m using aqhost, who currently run an Apache 1.3.33 server.

    I’ve played around with redirect and successfully managed to redirect the old site address (www.siberianlight.net/siberianlight) to the new one (www.siberianlight.net), using the following code:

    RedirectMatch permanent /siberianlight/[/index.html]*$ https://www.siberianlight.net

    But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to redirect rss feeds, despite (perhaps because of) the plethora of confusing information out there.

    My current site is https://www.siberianlight.net and it is sited in the /wordpress directory on the server. The address of the feed I want to direct people to is:https://www.siberianlight.net/?feed=rss2 (at least, I assume this is the right place – bloglines certainly pulls up the feed when I enter this address. There are other files in the /wordpress directory, though (wp-rss2.php, for example)).

    The address of the old feed is: https://www.siberianlight.net/siberianlight/index.rss (and index.rdf and atom.xml)

    I’ve tried: RedirectMatch permanent /siberianlight/index.rdf https://www.siberianlight.net/?feed=rss2 but that doesn’t seem to have any effect, nor do any of the many other solutions I’ve tried.

    I’m sure I’m missing something obvious, but does anyone know what it is.

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  • FWIW, I am having the same problem, exactly. I found this explanation from 2002, and tried to implement it, but it didn’t work. Given that you posted this two months ago and haven’t had a response, I wonder if there is no easy way to do this. How frustrating.

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