• On a category page, how do you display a list of other categories that all posts (on that category page) have in common?

    For example, On category “A” page there are 5 posts listed. Those posts are also categorized under “B” and sub-categorized under “B-1”, “B-2”, etc. On the sidebar of category “A” page I would like to display any of the sub-categories of B (‘B-1’, ‘B-2’ and so forth).

    In other words, how to display other categories related to the posts on the ‘category A’ page, but are not necessarily sub-categories of ‘A’. Make sense?

    Any help ASAP would be great!!! Thanks.

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  • Thread Starter stever7


    Can anyone help with this please???

    [do not bump – if it is so urgent, consider to hire someone https://jobs.wordpress.net/ – also please stop to start new topics for this problem]

    That’s a though one… my guess is you’re going to have to build it, because I don’t see loads of plugins on this subject.

    Can you code?

    My first draft would be: (somthing that gets you started)

    In your loop:

    [please read the forum guidelines for posting code – there is a limit of 10 lines of code for direct posting in this forum]

        if( is_category() ){
              $categories = array();
              $cat_id = get_query_var('cat');
         // this line is probably already in your theme; don't place it twice; it's just meant to
         // show you what goes above and below this line
         if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
              if( is_category() ){
                   $cats = wp_post_get_categories( $post->ID );
                   foreach( $cats as $c ){
                        if( !in_array( $c, $categories ) && $c != $cat_id ){
                             $categories[] = $c;
              //     the rest of your loop

    And then in the sidebar ( make sure that -if you have a sidebar.php file, you copy that contents of that file and replace this line with it) :

    get_sidebar( );

    And add this to the top:

         foreach( $categories as $c ){
             $cat = get_category( $c );
              echo '<li><a href="'. get_category_link( $c ).">'.$cat->name.'</a></li>'; 

    By any means it’s not very ‘pretty code’ but it will probably work (haven’t tested it though).

    Thread Starter stever7


    Thanks, I’ll try that out tonight. And I’m just learning to code myself. ??

    Thread Starter stever7


    I’m getting this error on the sidebar:

    “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()”.


    Ah, have you assigned categories to the posts already?
    In any case, this should fix the error (like I told you; i didn’t test ;-))

    <?php if( !empty( $categories ) ):?>
             foreach( $categories as $c ){
                $cat = get_category( $c );
                echo '<li><a href="'. get_category_link( $c ).">'.$cat->name.'</a></li>'; 
    <?php endif; ?>
    Thread Starter stever7


    Hmm. I’m nor getting an error anymore, but I nothing appears.

    Again; have you actually assigned posts to the categories?

    Thread Starter stever7


    Yes, I’m getting post on the category pages. But the code above doesn’t produce any content in the sidebar.

    No worries though, I think I’m going to table this issue for a while. I’ll come back to it some other day. If you have a chance to test it out yourself LMK if you get it to work.

    Thanks Again!

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    Try it with this: https://pastebin.com/tR4tQCwk

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