• eliasen


    Pardon me, if this has been up before, but I simply can’t find the answer. Single location pages is showing events twice and my Firebug shows it as two instances of <table class="events-table" align="left" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

    This is certainly not by purpose, but how the he.. do I get rid of it? It’s not in my EM Settings, but where else would it be hidden?


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  • Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    do you mean that the list of upcoming events is showing duplicate links? screenshot/url may help

    Thread Starter eliasen


    Yeah, the list in upcoming events is showing duplicate links:


    could it be a theme issue? can you try it on a default theme? also, can I know your settings in Single location page format.

    Thread Starter eliasen


    Tried on default Twenty-Eleven. Same issue, unfortunately.

    Sorry if this is the wrong way to present the contents of the Single Location page, but I have no clue of where else to put it or how.

    Maybe if I grant admin access to one in the community in here who could take a look at my code/settings it would be easier?

    Thanks in advance.

    <div style="float:right; margin:0px 0px 15px 15px;">[map style="width:400px; height:300px; lat=#_LOCATIONLATITUDE lon=#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE marker=yes markerimage=https://jazzgate.inventiveness.dk/images/mapmarkers/jazzgate_mapmarker_32x32.png] </div>#_LOCATIONNOTES
    [twothirds_columns  border="border"]<h3>UPCOMING GIGS/CONCERTS/EVENTS at #_LOCATIONNAME</h3><br/>#_LOCATIONNEXTEVENTS[/twothirds_columns] [onethird_columns_last][accordion] [panel title=" PICTURES " ] [slideshow id=19 w=225 h=92]  [/panel] [panel title=" OPENING HOURS " ] [two_columns ?]<br/>Monday:<br/>Tuesday:<br/>Wednesday:<br/>Thursday:<br/>Friday:<br/>Saturday:<br/>Sunday:<br/>[/two_columns] [two_columns_last ?]<br/>#_LATT{BusinessHours_Mon_From}{Business Hours - Monday from:} - #_LATT{BusinessHours_Mon_To}{Business Hours - Monday to:}<br/>
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Tue_From}{Business Hours - Tuesday from:} -
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Tue_To}{Business Hours - Tuesday to:}<br/>
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Wed_From}{Business Hours - Wednesday from:} -
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Wed_To}{Business Hours - Wednesday to:}<br/>
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Thu_From}{Business Hours - Thursday from:} -
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Thu_To}{Business Hours - Thursday to:}<br/>
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Fri_From}{Business Hours - Friday from:} -
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Fri_To}{Business Hours - Friday to:}<br/>
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Sat_From}{Business Hours - Saturday from:} -
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Sat_To}{Business Hours - Saturday to:}<br/>
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Sun_From}{Business Hours - Sunday from:} -
    #_LATT{BusinessHours_Sun_To}{Business Hours - Sunday to:}[/two_columns_last]?[/panel] [panel title="  CONTACT & INFO " ] Venue Type: <strong>#_LATT{VenueType}</strong><br/>Contact Name: <strong>#_LATT{Contact}</strong><br/>Phone: <strong>#_LATT{Phone}</strong><br/>Email: <strong>#_LATT{Email}</strong><br/>Website: <strong>#_LATT{Web}</strong><br/>Regular organizer: <strong>#_LATT{RegularOrganizer}</strong>[/panel][panel title=" NAVIGATION TOOLS " ] If you have a smartphone with a QR-reader installed, you can scan this barcode and get an instant marker on the built-in map on your phone. <img src="https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=225x225&chld=L&choe=UTF-8&chl=geo%3A#_LOCATIONLATITUDE%2C#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE"><br/><br/><img class="bottom" src="https://jazzgate.inventiveness.dk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/TomTom_logo-90x15.png" alt="" width="90" height="15" class="alignnone" /><br/><br/><img class="bottom" src="https://jazzgate.inventiveness.dk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/garmin_logo_trans-90x24.png" alt=""  width="90" height="24" class="alignnone" /> [/panel]  [/accordion][/onethird_columns_last]
    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    do you only see one event in your admin area? trying to figure out if this is duplicate output, or duplicated events.

    in both cases, see if your theme or another plugin is causing this, but if duplicate events ,try creating an event with your other plugins/theme disabled.

    Thread Starter eliasen


    Hehe! I had the same thought. Only one instance of the event in admin area. I even checked if there was a past event at the same location which by any chance could cause this, but no. And there’s nothing in the trash.

    Tried changing to default theme – no difference.
    Tried deactivating all plugins (except EM, obviously ?? ) – no difference.


    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    I’d then check your database for the duplicates, have a look at wp_em_events table

    specifically, you want to check the post_id, if they’re duplicated they’ll have the same post id, otherwise you may want to figure out why there’s a hidden duplicate post.

    Thread Starter eliasen


    Okay. Now I tried to edit a past event or another location (simply moving the event forward in time in dates). Suddenly there was 3 (three) duplicates under the location page events list. Fair enough, my database must contain one or more cluttered instances.

    Checked the database. No duplicates, but since I’m still in the implementation phase, it was no big deal deleting the events. So I did and went back to my dashboard. This (attached) is how my Events list looks like in the Admin panel. Why the heck do I still have 1 event when the database is empty? A mystery is arising.

    Empty Events

    Thread Starter eliasen


    BTW! Thanks for your patience guys! I’ll return the favour with an updated Danish translation before the week is gone.

    Thread Starter eliasen


    Okay, an update to this issue. While trying to recover my brain’s activity I started working on other tasks on the site. That brought me to Appearance->Menus. In there – under the Add from Events box – I saw an event which was at least three weeks. With the name in mind I searched in the database and found the entry. Oddly enough it wasn’t visible in the Events section in the Dashboard or in Posts, but now it’s gone.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    check the dev version as I believe we updated danish for next update (already out of date though due to recent update and features).

    there’s two places to check:

    they are linked by post id, which is post_id in the first table and ID in the second. for each event, you need a record in each one. If testing, I’d try deleting all event/location post types, and wipe the wp_em_events and locations tables too (you could just try uninstalling EM).

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