• https://element118.com/photoblog/index.php/portfolio-item/san-diego-august-2010/

    On one particular theme I’m trying (Angular) I cannot set the order of my gallery images the way I want. I’m trying to set the images to show from oldest to newest. Basically to go in ascending order (ie. IMG-001 to IMG-100).

    This is the process I’m going through to re-order the images.?
    1. Click on an image thumbnail in the “Featured media – add any number of images and/or videos” section.?
    2. Click the “Gallery (X)” tab. (FYI – “X” denoting how many images there are in the gallery).?
    3. Click either “Ascending” or “Descending” and then “Save all changes” until the preview shows it the way I want.

    When I go back to the Portfolio Entry, the setting I’ve made in the previous window (not sure what you’d call it … the media library gallery?) does not carry over to the Portfolio Entry.

    I understand that I can manually select a row and move it to a new position. That’s fine if it’s just a few images. However, some of my galleries are over 100 images.

    FYI – I have posted on the theme forum but have not received an answer.

    Thanks in advance.

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