• I am looking at different themes with sliders and I liked the WP-Creativix; however I am not a guru of design and would like to know how to change the color, I would like to use other colors other than grey.


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  • I have the same question. I would like to change the link colors, font colors and the gray in the body, sidebar, and menu bar. How can I do this? Also, even though there is code for text wrapping in the the style sheet, its not happening. How can I create text wrapping with this version?

    Also, I changed the size of the font in the Header on the home page, and it remains at 18, every time I save. My WP is 3.3.1 and the theme version is 2.4. Any tips? https://www.theresebogan.com/

    I’m so close to making this the site of my dreams!

    I has the same question, but as I was searching for an answer, I clicked on the “show/hide kitchen sink” button on the “Edit Page” portion of Creativix. You will find it by clicking the “Visual” tab rather than the “html” tab. It will be next to the “Toggle Full Screen” button. Another toolbar will expand below and by looking at the fourth button from the left you will see a “Select Text Color” button. I was able to change the text colors on my site this way. I hope it helps!


    I am trying to change the texts myself and can’t seem to find “show/hid kitchen sink” button on the “Edit Page” can you please explain to me step by step how to get there? I am new at this. Thank you in advance!

    P.S. I saw your webpage and it looks nice!

    ok nevermind found it! thanks anyways!

    I am trying to change font color on the menu bar at the top and in the menu bar over page and sidebar, I cannot seem to find a way to change it….

    The font color/styles in the “show/hide kitchen sink” are GREAT, but I can only get it to change font in the page itself. I am wanting to change the font color on the bar above page(s)…..any help???

    I would IDEALLY like to change the color of the bar and borders on the pages, but I don’t want to get too fancy. Love the theme, but I want something a little more than grey on greay with grey background surrounded by grey……I am turning grey in the process ??

    Please help, THANKS !!!

    Hi theresa!

    I checked your website and it looks great! I noticed that you have changed all colors of text, menu bars, and active link colors. I too want this for my website. Could you please guide.

    If anyone has an answer to this, please help!


    I finally found the color codes and format setting for text on bars and menus. You will have to edit the “style.php” file to get the changes. It’s not simple, but with trill and error method, you can find them. Just be careful and take it one at a time. I printed off the file before made any changes to be safer (I guess I could have made a copy of the file). Mine isn’t nearly as fancy or slick looking as Terese’s but hopefully I can get there let me know if this helps.

    good luck and have fun,
    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Hi Don!

    Thanks a lot for you reply. I’ve decided to keep the background colors of the menu as it is. All i would like to do is to change the hover color to red(similar to ur website) and the title of the slideshow text to Red from Blue. I’ve looked up in the style.php…but couldn’t understand the code to change the hover color.

    Please help!


    To all — you can change things like color/font/size of fonts, etc. in the CSS stylesheets. See the Codex on CSS for more information.

    J Fs


    I am also looking to change the font colour in the headings and not just in the page – being a total css virgin, would someone who has already done it be happy to paste in the section in the stylesheet that should be changed so that the titles of the page aren’t grey and now black?

    Also the section in the style sheet to change the colour when you hover over it?

    Would be very grateful for some help, thanks so much!

    The font colors can be changed in the appearance>editor>style.php as mentioned above. Really with a little trial and error everyone can figure that out. I was looking for the fix to the background colors being grey as mentioned in this original post.

    The background colors on this site are actually .png files that are in a folder called “images” in the original theme. If you change the colors (with a program like Photoshop) and reupload them to your original theme files through your FTP server/host then you can change theme colors.

    It’s a pain but that’s how this theme is done.

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