Hi there,
I’m StamperZ’s developer. I’m really sorry, I believe there was a misunderstanding.
My intention was never to hijack your site http. You either installed Facebook like on steroids or RA-socialize button.
Those are “Facebook like” plugins with a secret sauce: they allow a better sharing of your posts through Facebook’s Open Graph. This means that more people are going to hear about them on Facebook and thus bring you more readers.
But for that to be done, I need to change your og_url (a meta used by Facebook) by a new one under the network.stamperz.com format.
In no ways this affects your presence on Faceboook, in fact, even if I ceased the service tomorrow your pages would not be affected.
If you need any help removing this however, please let me know and I will help you out.
Additionnaly, if anybody has any question, feel free to contact me as I’ll be happy to answer them.
Thank you for your feedback.