• mangifter


    Hi there,

    I am looking for a site that can help me make a very crisp logo. My logo is only text but as you can see at the link below, it looks rather pixellated. Does anyone have any ideas of how to fix this?


    Thanks a lot,


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  • tilovik


    Hello, you help with the OSU logo. I understand you need a logo, a text (using the letters in the logo)? If I understand correctly then contact me through the feedback of [signature moderated – please don’t use the forum to advertise your services]



    It’s best to make logos in a vector program. You can save from that to a regular image (png) for your site. The great thing about having your original logo in vector format is that you can scale it to any size you want and not have any pixilization. I use Adobe Illustrator for this type of work, but I’ve heard good things about a free alternative called InkScape.

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