interesting! I appreciate your features but think that some people would still prefer a less sophisticated and very light tool.
BTW, something that might also interest your plugin:
I’ve just discovered that Emedit PRO plays nicely with qTranslate enabling a great solution to problems many people fight with when designing WordPress multi-language sites: the multi language labels.
Let’s say you have a footer which needs to change in every language – in some themes the qTranslate tags do not work and using the EmbedItPro’s snippets you can easily place multilanguage labels on your site, via a one-stop interface that lets you copy and paste the PHP code you need.
Your approach is very interesting but maybe a bit too much for me – I believe in extreme simplicity and a barebone approach in plugins and their UI, coders can easily use it a starting point for developing their custom version, for example the versioning can be available on embedit pro too just changing a parameter in the created custom post type.