• I was wondering if its possible that when someone click on a category, instead of showing the whole news, can I just show the title of the posts?

    Thanks a ton!

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  • Depending on your theme you should edit the archive.php template – remove the reference to the_content tag and leave only the_title.
    Warning: this will affect ALL your “archive views” including category, monthly, by author etc.
    If you want this kind of display ONLY on category archives, you will have to create a category.php template; e.g. by saving archive.php as category.php, and edit the latter one.

    Any suggestions when my theme does not have the archive.php file ?

    Ps. I’m using the Daisy Rae Gemini theme

    If your following instructions from moshu, then you’ll want to take index.php and save as category.php then make the changes to category.php.

    Hi, thank you for your reply, i’m very greatfull that you are trying to help me out.
    I can easily do what you instructed me to, but i have no clue what the purpose is, or what else i should do ?
    I should edit it, but i do now know what i am supposed to edit ?

    Hope that you will be able to help this newbee out.

    Okay, assuming you want to do what kioshi asked about, then after you copy index.php to category.php, try deleting the following line in category.php:

    <?php the_content(__('(Read on ...)')); ?>

    Since you’re tyring to modify a Theme these articles might help you better understand what’s happening:

    Good luck and welcome to WordPress.

    Impressive… such a litte thing has made such a great impact on my wiew of wordpress – i’m very greatful for your help !

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