Try to find out through logs and records when and how they broke in, assuming they didn’t modify that information.
Make sure to reinstall wordpress and plugins from source, as the ones you have backed up may be modified.
Make sure that there are no extra php files that are unaccounted for.
Look for files or directories beginning with “.”
Look for alien or modified php code containing text like “eval(gzinflate”, which may reveal nasty backdoor scripts like c99shell.
If the site hosts many sites, and those sites are not in dedicated VMs, or isolated by suPHP, then backdoor programs can browse the code and databases for all sites on the server, in which case your clean site can just get infected again. The server itself may be compromised, so your system adminisitrator should also be notified.
They may have to reinstall the server too.
It may be that your password was sniffed somehow, or too simple, or similar to an account that you used registering on another site and their database got hacked.
Scan your personal machines, and other machines on your network.
Never use FTP for any service, try to always use a host that supports SSH/SFTP and a control panel that uses SSL.
As for emailing backups, that is probably only OK if mailing to a gmail account which you access over SSL, and if your server uses TLS to communicate with gmail.
What’s wrong with dumping to an SQL file and downloading it over SSL with phpmyadmin?
Even better, can you log in with SSH and create a secure tunnel to the remote database port on 3306 and interact with mysql directly?
Good luck!