• This is something i dont understand…
    using the offered code on the page..

    I get a not valid result.

    <div id="header">
    <a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>">
    <div id="headerimg">
    <h1><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></h1>
    <div class="description">
    <?php bloginfo('description'); ?>

    Error is..

    Error Line 56 column 22: document type does not allow element "div" here; missing one of "object", "applet", "map", "iframe", "button", "ins", "del" start-tag.
    <div id="headerimg">

    what does this mean.. ??

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  • You have “<div id="headerimg">“, a block element element within “a” tags, an inline element, which is “illegal.”

    Just use the second example, or CSS, if you’re comfortable.

    Thread Starter john1000


    So how can they write this if its illegal ?

    Someone please alert the proper authorities.

    So how can they write this if its illegal ?
    Well, because the sole goal was to make the header clickable.

    The proper CSS solution is moderately difficult and it may be HTML-markup (read: Theme) dependent.

    Read up the following for the CSS solution.

    Thread Starter john1000


    peeps i cannot change a damn header into css style..
    only for a link..
    Nobody knows how to do this?

    john1000: can you please tell us exactly what you have done, and exactly what has happened? Several recommendations have been provided.

    Do not say “it doens’t work”. Tell us what happens. In what way does it not work?

    john – have you forgotten everything that happened here over a year ago ?? I certainly have not.

    If you want your site designing, then offer payment.
    If you want to do it yourself, then go read Codex.

    jeeez, everyone is in a snippy mood….

    john, how can they write it? because it works. It really does. Now, no where in the CODEX does it say that it will validate. Just because something doesn’t validate doesn’t mean it won’t work. And just because something works, doesn’t mean that it will validate. One has nothing to do with the other.

    And that’s how they can write that.

    And if you keep reading, there’s an alternative version that uses onclick=”location.href=’https://siteaddress/&#8217;; to handle it.


    Thread Starter john1000


    Hi podz ..
    They post NON VALID stuff !
    I know i cannot expect everyone to be a support freak as i am but things are done the wrong way here.

    Point is,(thats my opinion) you are giving support but the wrong way.
    Why am i forced into “learning”?
    I dont want to!
    I dont have the time or interest anymore.
    I come here for support and what we normaly expect is a simple answer.

    The results of “rthose simple answers” is that many people will understand it better,agree?
    Why is it that the “clickable header” issue is mentioned more then once on the forum?

    Wasnt it an issue then?…keeping it valid?
    And i get an link to a solution on codex and what do i get?… an INVALID solution.

    Thats how forum get polluted when proper answers are not given..

    This is going on for hours and nobody thinks about me …who is on this for hours…

    Thread Starter john1000


    im gonna explain it again….
    im using the default theme..

    You all know that blue image ?

    Great….lets continue then….

    The only ORIGINAL CLICKABLE link it has it the …
    <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>

    But thing is…the link is the blog name,so its TEXT !
    But i want it to be THE BLUE IMAGE !

    Is this better explained?

    You forgot, in the midst of all that shouting, to say something:


    Thread Starter john1000



    From the Designing_Headers page, which has been linked several times, is this:

    Or you can use the method offered by the Theme’s author to make the entire WordPress Default/Kubrick Theme header clickable:
    * Open header.php template file.
    * Change from <div id=”header”> to:
    <div id="header" onclick="location.href='https://siteaddress/';" style="cursor: pointer;"></div>

    The theme you’re using, with the blue background, is the default Kubrick theme. The above suggestion is the Kubrick theme’s author’s recommendation.

    If that does not work, I encourage you to contact the Kubrick theme’s author.

    Thread Starter john1000


    Well i tried that,but when i put it in like that i messes up the theme….
    So look at it now !
    And see what it does, ive put it back..
    The clickable is okay but the below is trashed…

    Remove the </div> at the end of the line you inserted.

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