• Well thats nice.
    Starting again and i thought that atleast themes could be trusted.
    But it seems the theme “anthurium” isnt even valid.
    When i switch back to default all is ok..

    The errors are :

    Line 113 column 9: ID “comments-post” already defined.
    <div id=”comments-post”>

    Info Line 67 column 9: ID “comments-post” first defined here.
    <div id=”comments-post”>

    Error Line 153 column 9: ID “comments-post” already defined.
    <div id=”comments-post”>

    Info Line 67 column 9: ID “comments-post” first defined here.
    <div id=”comments-post”>

    Error Line 188 column 19: document type does not allow element “li” here; missing one of “ul”, “ol”, “menu”, “dir” start-tag.
    <li class=”pagenav”>Pages

      <li class=”page_item”>

    Error Line 226 column 9: ID “meta” already defined.
    <li id=”meta”>Credits:

      Anyone can help what this means..

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  • Link to the site and the pages involved ?

    Thread Starter john1000


    hi podz,activated theme again..
    website updated in profile..

    i thought that atleast themes could be trusted

    Not. There are a lot of theme authors out there and there is no certification that such authors know the rules of PHP, XHTML and CSS, or that they even care…
    I’m sure most do their best with whatever amount of knowledge they have (I know I do), but that’s no guarantee.

    I apologize. I will remove it from public circulation (and all the others as well if I find they are affected) until the issue(s) is/are fixed.

    Again, I apologize.

    Hmm. I guess I would contact Alex King? Who else do I need to notify?

    And thirdly, it would have been really “cool” of you, john1000, to have CONTACTED ME DIRECTLY to give me an opportunity to correct the problem, and THEN when/if I were to ignore you, bring your gripe here.

    No matter. I will fix.

    I’ve got an idea, why don’t you make your own theme, make sure its valid, and release it for public consumption. Or better yet, fix the couple of issues you seem to have found, and re-release the theme. Rather than trow stones.

    My theme wasn’t valid for a very long time. I “fixed” it and you know what? It still.looks.the.same. My front page validates (as long as my referrers use the same characters I do) and I don’t care if the rest does. For my limited audience, it’s no big deal. If a theme performs for my computer and for the people I target, I’m happy.

    Starting again and i thought that atleast themes could be trusted.

    Please don’t forget that this is the work of volunteers, with various degrees of skill (and I’m not putting down jonimueller in any way) and because of that fact, none of us have the right to expect to be able to “trust” their work. From my experience, there are number of other themes which also don’t validate, so it’s probably best to contact the author first and if they’re not able (or not willing) to make the theme valid, fix it yourself and release the code back to the community. That’s the spirit of open source, after all.

    Couldn’t agree more, pizdin_dim!

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