[Plugin: Custom Content Type Manager] images not attached to custom post
I have a problem with my image custom field: uploaded images don’t result to be attached to my Custom Post in Media Library. Why?
Is there a way to fix it?I need them to be attached to my custom post for integration with WPML (WordPress Multilingual plugin).
Thank you for any suggestion.
Can you share more information? Sorry, I really have no idea what you’re doing here so I can’t provide any detailed feedback. How are you uploading the media? And what do you mean by “attached to my custom post”? WordPress supports “attaching” via its “Featured Image”, and you can do that with your custom post-types by adjusting the checkboxes when you edit/create a new post type: go to the Fields tab and check the “Page Attributes” box and then the “Thumbnail” box.
If you’re trying to use an image field, then the process is different. Please be detailed in your description of your workflow, otherwise I can’t help you. Thanks.
I say sorry…
I’m trying to be more specific, but I didn’t do it before because I didn’t want to be long or off-topic since is involved another plugin, WPML.
I’m using CCTM to build a custom panel for my customer, to make it easy for him to upload, delete, or edit his products.
In this panel (my custom post type), I have a repeatable custom field image.This website is also multilingual and I’m using WPML for the translations.
With WPML I can automatically duplicate(not phisically) attached images (or featured) of a post, and I can use different titles, alt, and other details, although the image is exactly the same: after the uploading, many instances of the same image appear in Media Library and I can edit them separately.
With my custom field image (attachment? featured?), I can duplicate the image seeing it in multiple istances in Media Library, as said before, but when I try to change the title of one instance, it changes in all the instances all at once.
I have noticed that in Media Library, the image uploaded by custom field resulted NOT ATTACHED to any post, so I supposed it could be the reason why it didn’t work as I expected…but I don’t know if it is.
It’s very difficult to put together different plugin and make them work. Many times I don’t know who I have to do questions to. ?? Sorry
I digged deeply:
when I upload or insert an image from Media Library in a Post or a Page (=with standard procedures) andDuplicate uploaded media to translations
is checked, it makes a “copy” of the image in Media Library.
This way I can use one instance for the post in English, one for the one in Italian: the image is only one, but I have 2 instances available, and I can modify title, alt, description, etc, independently.This doesn’t happen with images uploaded by my custom field image into a Custom Post: it doesn’t create another instance of the uploaded or inserted image. I have only one instance of the image, with its title, alt, etc. Only one for all languages.
Why this kind of images is seen differently by WPML and it doesn’t “duplicate” them?
I have just written also in WPML forum (it is available only for who bought the plugin). Not an answer yet, I’m waiting, but in a top post they suggest this:
“If you’re running into compatibility problems with other plugins or themes, the best way to fix them is to get the authors of those plugins / themes involved.
We work together with any author who’s prepared to work with us.
Contact the other author and let us know. We’ll create free accounts for them so that they can download WPML and participate in this forum.
We’ll do everything that it takes to get WPML to work together with other plugins and themes. All we need is cooperation from the other side as well.”
I report it as it is written: I don’t ask you to do this because I guess you’re very busy, and you are already so kind answering my silly questions.
If you have any idea to fix this issue, I’ll appreciate your suggestions.
Thank you, as always.
Ah, ok, now I see what you’re saying. Thank you for being detailed in your response! (Sorry, I know it can take a lot of time to communicate things like this).
Here’s what I think is going on: I really had to do some crazy work-arounds to make the CCTM able to upload images from the edit/create post pages. The WordPress code here is really truly awful: the WordPress developers never considered the possibility that the code might get used for other purposes it seems: it is hard-coded in several places so the expected behavior is that the images get uploaded either to the main content textarea OR to the post’s featured image. Any other usage seems to be completely unexpected — the functions are just hard-coded that way.
So I had to do some serious work-arounds to make this even possible for the custom image fields. It was crazy, but at least it works in general cases, but I think you’ve discovered a place where it doesn’t work. In early versions of the CCTM, I didn’t even offer this feature because it was so problematic: users HAD to use WP’s Media menu to add or edit images. You may have to do the same in this case.
I’m not sure if I can find another workaround here — maybe there are a few events/actions/filters that I can fire that would make WPML kick in and handle this, but the real “solution” in my opinion would be to make the WordPress code more modular so I wouldn’t have to do all the workarounds. I don’t even think this is an issue with the other plugin — I think it’s probably an issue with WP itself that every developer has to suffer through. I HATE a lot of the WordPress architecture because is it sometimes just AWFUL. We should probably follow up with some bug reports/feature requests for WP itself.
You made an excellent work, and I can get your frustration about the limitation of WordPress.
I need some (little?) help, if you can:
I uploaded an image by custom field image, but, as said, it didn’t result to be attached to any page or article in Media Library.
Then I manually attached it to my custom post and, this time, when I asked WPML to duplicate (make instances) of my images, it worked.The question is: is there some hack I could use to force the images uploaded by custom field to be attached to the custom post? It would resolve my problem.
Thank you again
Hello again.
As an alternative to the forced attachment of the image to the custom post I have another idea: is there a way to provide the custom field image (that I need to be repeatable) with an textfield? This way I could translate it like the other custom fields and try to use its value in the
<a title="">
, necessary for lightbox effect.
I only need the image field and the text field to be “grouped”, because of the “repeatability”, and then I need only a little suggestion for the retrieving of the value.Thank you (for your work, and for your time!)
When you select a featured image, in the database, the post or page becomes the parent . The “post_parent” column is set in the database. When you upload an image via a CCTM custom field, this is NOT what happens. This is by design: the post_parent is not changed — the hierarchy is independent. That’s why the image, media, and relation fields are classified as “relation” fields — the relationship isn’t always parent/child — it could be brother, cousin, etc. I just want to make sure you’re clear on the differences here.
It sounds like what you need is the post_parent to be set when you upload the image. That’s a feature that’s not currently available, and I don’t know of any work-arounds — as I mentioned, it’s already a painful workaround as it is. You could make a feature request in the bug-tracker and I could look into it.
If you just need to group images together, then use a multi-image field and format the results to use a common CSS class or “rel” attribute etc. The translation stuff all boils down to WP’s __() function. I can’t tell you exactly how to solve this, but I’m sure there are many approaches that would work.
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