I really like the style and feel of the site.
There are three things that kind of get to me a little.One of the things that kind of bugs me is that it feels like a site for kids. I think it is how thick the boarders are for each window… makes it feel like it suppose to be simplified. The other thing that feels weird is the solid white background. My site (www.timetorant.com)also has a solid white background and I am trying to figure out how to change it to make it look a little better. I think your website would realllllly pop with a dark background color. The last thing I noticed is how large the advertisement section is going to be. I would cut it down by a third.. at its current size it will end up making the site feel cheap.
Overall, I really like the site. I really like the the sub catagories that when you click on them they pop out infront of the site.