Thanks so much. My blog is
There are several things happening with my site that appear to be related to the latest installation of the Sociable plugin, plus I’ve noticed that the behavior slightly varies between browsers — even when the browser caches have been cleared.
For instance, the following is occurring with FIREFOX:
After I deactivated and deleted the Sociable files, I turned on Pretty Link Pro’s social network icons. Please note that the social network icons that are currently showing (in Firefox) at the bottom of posts on the HOME PAGE are from the Pretty Link Pro plugin. But, for some reason, the SECOND post on my home page (titled “Remembering the Fallen”) does NOT display the icons.
The weird thing is that once I noticed the Pretty Link Pro icons were not showing on the second post on the home page, and couldn’t figure out why not, I turned them OFF — and they’re STILL turned off. Yet they continue to show up on the home page (when viewed in Firefox).
The next scenario is that when you click on the title of any post on the home page and open the single-page version, the Pretty Link Pro social icons do NOT show up at the bottom of the posts.
HOWEVER, in Firefox I see the phrase, “Share This Article!” showing at the end of the post, just above the post-meta tags. That phrase is my customized phrase that I’d made in the Sociable plugin, and it’s showing up, even though the Sociable files have been deleted.
(I don’t believe it’s feasible for me to contact the developer of the Pretty Link Pro icons about the icons showing up inconsistently on the home page until the Sociable plugin issue has been addressed. As I suspect that somehow the Sociable plugin may be to blame for the problem.)
Now, in Safari, I see NO Pretty Link Pro social icons on the home page posts; however, the Sociable plugin’s “Share This Article!” phrase DOES show at the bottom of the single-page version of posts.
And here’s a third scenario: From Safari on my iPhone, I get still another iteration. Home page view – No Pretty Link Pro icons show on posts. The single-page version of any of the posts DOES show the Pretty Link Pro icons at the bottom of the posts — except not for the second post on the home page (titled “Remembering the Fallen”). But NONE of the single-page versions includes the phrase, “Share This Article!” that I had set up in the Sociable plugin.
A fourth scenario: Using the Skyfire browser on the iPhone again does NOT show the Pretty Link Pro icons on the home page posts, but it shows the Pretty Link Pros but NOT the “Share This Article!” phrase on the single-page posts. But, oddly, the single-page version of that second post on the home page (“Remembering the Fallen”) shows NO Pretty Link Pro icons, BUT it does show the “Share This Article!” phrase.
There may be something I’ve overlooked, but hopefully this has given you enough to go on, as far as the trouble points and the inconsistencies. I’m sorry if this is confusing….
FYI: 404s are not generated on home page views. They only occur when the single-page version of a post is visited. Currently, visits to any of my single-post pages generate anywhere from four to eight 404s.
Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for your assistance.