• I’ve read numerous posts and codex items but just want to be clear in my head. When I first installed wordpress I had to specify the name of the mysql database as well as the user and password. FTP site root contains all the wordpress core files as well as all blog media items and theme information. The mnysql database contains all the posts and configuration information etc..

    Okay so If I had a backup of both items (FTP root and database) and needed to re-install I’m a bit confused about the mysql name and account? I assume that I simply dump all ftp root in the new location, access mysql for the new mysql database in there (created automatically by my hosting provider) but then the mysql database name and user details are totally different? If I restore the database will wordpress identify the change in mysql table name automatically or once my host provider has setup the new mysql database do I need to change the name and user account details to what they were previously before I restore the sql dump?

    Would I even simply dump the backup’d ftp root in the new location or do a new clean install of wordpress and just overwrite the folders that are not core WP?

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  • The database details (name, username, password, prefix, etc) are stored in /wp-config.php. If you move your site (to another account or provider) you have to edit this file to reflect your new environment.

    Thread Starter wibbsy


    Therein lies my question… What order would I do that in? Assuming I was moving to a clean hosting with a new blank mysql database already setup … Would i dump the ftp root files, then restore the database tables, then update the config file with the new sql details? Would that then be an exact functioning replica?

    Yes, that would do it, as long as the domain name stays the same, going through the process you just described is what you would do is you wanted to move to a new host.

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