So I think I may be trying to do something similar, and surely over my head. My site is about credit cards. The credit cards companies are willing (want to) provide me with certain key info via an xml feed. It is a lot easier than writing it myself. I want to replace my “Other Key Benefits” column with one that says something like “Details from the Issuer” and just feed in their info. I have asked them to create javascript code for me to plop in, but they don’t want to.
They say “Using CKAN API is simple – your website makes an HTTPS request to one of the API URLs on, and offers are returned in either XML or JSON”
Not simple for me.
For example, if I called this XML:
It would return a page with a lot of data. I would want to capture the data inside the “<long>” field and drop it into a single cell.
Is there a way to make this work? My skills are limited. I wrote the entire site myself, though made heavy use of online tutorials, plug ins, etc.