• Hi

    I am wondering how to get more links onto my site? I look on technorati on my debate site – debate.co.nz and it only has a link from my blog.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you.

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Technorati only shows blogs which link to you. So, you could barter/trade links with another blog. Or, just write articles that are compelling enough to get you mentioned by other blogs or thrown on their blogrolls. If I were you, the first thing I would do is find a theme, or a weekly feature. The thematic material of what you are currently blogging about seems to be a bit scattered. “There are too may ads on TV”, “Laboura€?s new tertiary policy is good”, “Helen Clark or Don Brash?”, “More roads, powerlines is not the answer”, and “Fat food is too accessible” don’t appear to establish any continuity or overall theme. Contrary to popular belief, random personal opinion blogs don’t attract very much attention, unless you have a celebrity name to back it, or offer a large amount of content (two to three complete paragraphs per post). I’d recommend starting a weekly special, a theme that you go into large depth about every seven days. Also, your design (IMO) needs some tweaking. It’s a bit too “cluttered” and wide for my tastes. Try a clean fixed-width design (no more than 780 pixels wide). Good clean designs tend to attract more readers. Once you get a clean theme and some solid content going, keep in mind that linkage takes time, but it will come. It may take a day, it may take a few months, but the linkage will come. These blogs are some of my favorites and illustrate most of what I have said:


    Moderator James Huff


    And, I just noticed that your blog should have a debate theme. But, I didn’t come across that revelation until I read your blog’s description. You do have a few general debate posts, but the content of those debate posts just seems to be too scattered. Also, the periodic interjection of non-debate content such as “Fat food is too accessible”, “Gmail is the best webmail service”, and “Mac OS X is better than Win xp” just hits too far into left field, if you know what I mean. You may attract more attention if you restrict the content of this blog to the “upcoming New Zealand Elections 2005” and nothing else.

    Moderator James Huff


    I should also add that there are over 300 WordPress themes to choose from, and most of them are fixed-width and fully-customizable.


    I hope that all of this has been helpful in some way.

    Thread Starter music_man



    Funny you should say “debate theme” I spent countless hours designing that theme. Ah well. It obviously doesn’t work. I know it is not ideal for a debating site. I would like to have icons to say whether they agree or not and having top debates, affirmative and negative options and quick posting (not having to go to another interface via admin) and other features.

    It is more suited for a forum but when I had a forum (which was the original concept) they were too hard to modify and they look so empty without lots of posts. With WordPress I could modify the theme and add things via plugins. Having it in a blog sort of layout I thought would compell people to write longer articles and give people easier access to them.

    I am competing against other popular blogs and news sites and it is very hard to get my foot through the door. I am not sure what theme to use that can accomodate my ideas for this site nor do I know how to get people to post (some seem to reply readily enough) but it is rare that somebody starts their own topic.

    I have my own blog which I don’t really care how many people look at. I thought the more content the better and I have had some trouble sorting out permalinks with some plugins.

    I can’t have just a single topic and post to that, for the idea is for other people to post and get debates going. I have separated them out into categories and perhaps I could have columns on the page which lists the latest post from each category.

    Thank you for your suggestions.

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