• Hi FPS,

    CCTM has been so much fun to play with the last couple of weeks. the Custom Content Type template and fields do exactly what I was looking for.

    I’m trying to build a page that loops through all the CCT and provide a teaser version of each, just like a blog archive page would do. I’ve come up with a2 possible solution, but want to make sure this isn’t a built in feature that I’ve neglected…

    Each CCTM post has a URL query: ?post_type=CUSTOM&p=123. I can remove the specific post number and then will get the loop to fire off using the default post loop that came with my template. The loop starts with the content, but I want to display just my custom content fields in the teaser. One solution is to create a customized loop that fires ONLY when post_type=CUSTOM.

    Does this sound reasonable?



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  • Plugin Contributor fireproofsocks


    What you ought to do is create a dedicated page that will summarize the posts. You can’t manipulate the URLs in the way you’re thinking… WP does not bend that way. So if you create a dedicate page that will summarize all the posts in a custom post-type, you can put in a shortcode that does this or you assign it a dedicated template and put your summarization code in the PHP.

    You can use WordPress’ built-in get_posts() function or WP_Query etc to do this, or you can use my Summarize Posts plugin — it’s integrated in the 0.9.5 version of the CCTM.

    I’ve gotten this type of question a lot, and I think part of the problem is that WordPress blurs its application layers in a very unhealthy way: it does all this stuff under the table, which makes it harder for users to understand, and it makes it harder for developers to work with the application.

    Thread Starter blue522


    Thank you for the clarity.

    If I install Summarize Posts now, will it get confused when I upgrade CCTM to 9.5?

    Plugin Contributor fireproofsocks


    I put in tests that prevent the double-loading of the libraries. The stand-alone version of Summarize Posts is an older version with some bugs — putting it through its paces during the integration with CCTM really cleaned out a lot of things. If you’re at all worried about this, use one of WordPress’ built in functions for this, e.g. get_posts().


    I’ve read your post and installed summarize. But I’m not good at php and wp (beginner) and tries a lot of combinations to be able to integer my custom Content type (‘activites’) in my template, alone on some pages and mixed with other posts on other pages. I’m pretty unsuccessful. Could you help me integer my Custom content type ‘activites in there :

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    which doesn’t suit my needs.


    Plugin Contributor fireproofsocks


    That template looks like a mess ??

    Sorry, I can’t make any sense of your template or what you’re trying to do. Could you explain clearly what you’re trying to do, what you’ve tried, and what exactly isn’t working for you?


    Sorry it seems it have been cropped! Thanks for your quick respons I’m impressed!
    Here’s my template code (entire I hope!) :

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please do not re-post the code but use the pastebin instead.]

    Here’s the page result : https://conexion.cluster003.ovh.net/blog/formations/aktivit_regulieres/

    But the posts showing aren’t my custom content type. I would like my Custom Content type named “activites” to show instead…

    I’ve been able to successfully adapt my single-activites.php template with its custom fields as you can see here : https://conexion.cluster003.ovh.net/blog/activites/hiphop-newstyle-jeunes/

    Could you help me load my custom content type posts in this template and integer them in the above ‘if… while.. endwhile… else… endif’ loop?

    Hope I’m clearer now…

    By the way I’ll be interested to to know how I could have a copy of the “recent posts” widget adapted to my custom content type.
    You’ve done an incredible work with this plugin!!


    Plugin Contributor fireproofsocks


    You gotta paste the code into the https://pastebin.com/ — otherwise the forum will remove your code. Also, the link to your page result doesn’t really tell me anything. I don’t know what you’re expecting to see there. Nothing looks wrong with it to any 3rd party. What do you see vs. what do you expect to see?

    I think you’re running into problems using WP’s dreaded ‘query_posts’ function in your template — that much came through in the email notification (but it got removed from the forum). That function is awful, so I’d avoid using it — it looked like you have your page trying to produce results based on 2 entirely different queries.

    Re the widget, that’s scheduled for version 0.9.6, but if you need it developed sooner, you can hire me to develop it.

    Plugin Contributor fireproofsocks


    I would delete this line:


    I really REALLY hate the query_posts() function — it causes so many problems. I’d try to get the page working normally before modifying it like that. I still don’t know what you’re expecting to see there. What do you see when you use the sample template code that the CCTM generates for you?

    I think I’ve solved my problem, at least I see the right posts (my custom posts vs the wp normal posts)

    It was only a problem of type of post. I wanted to see only my custom type of post and all I had managed to view so far was only the wp posts and none of my custom ones. So now I chould be able to choose between type of posts. What if I want both of them?

    Here’s the new code which works for showing my custom content type posts :

    As you kindly suggested I’ve deleted the query_posts('posts_per_page=20&cat=4') fonction
    But I’m afraid that my template will need the cat part. How could I insert it in my code?


    As a dancer I don’t know much about computering and I’m struggling with code in WordPress I first discoverd 3 weeks ago.
    I try to understand the logic of it and to adapt some scripts I’ve bought to our needs.
    I spend all my free time on this and try my best. Sorry for the pastbin, I didn’t know of it!… now I’ve registered.
    I could really appreciate some help here with the code and to adapt scripts I’ve got to WordPress and to meet our needs.
    How much will it cost me to hire you?

    P.S. Sorry for my english, I’m french…


    Plugin Contributor fireproofsocks


    We might get flagged by the moderators her for soliciting services on the WP forums, so contact me via the email address listed here: https://www.fireproofsocks.com/contact/

    Topic now closed as per the Forum Rules

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