• Oscar


    I have experimented with different lightbox plugins and keep coming back to using this plugin. It is certainly one of the better ones.

    Which style is best suited to use the title of the image and the caption within the lightbox.

    Is there one?

    I like the plugin very much just trying to enhance my photos with better descriptions and titles in the lightbox.

    WordPress.com uses a lightbox that showcases the caption under the image where it can read very nicely.

    thanks for any insight or helpful links.


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  • Hi Oscar,

    I am also looking for a way to display more or all image information in an overlay. Have you had any success with this?


    Hi there.

    Also looking for a way to have image descriptions visible.

    The only solution I have found so far is using the optional attribute title= “insert text here” but this solution is not elegant. It would be really neat if the actual img title, caption and descriptions as given under media settings could be toggled on / attributed easily to the lightbox image view.

    I’m working on custom css atm (as the title attribute position is all messed up) and will get back if the solution is any good.

    Have you found a solution to this?

    I am also looking for a way to display image description in the bottom of the lightbox.


    <a href="<?php echo $link[0]; ?>" class="lightbox" rel="lightbox[]" title="<?php the_title();?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail('gallery-thumb'); ?></a>

    I was finally able to get the image title to appear by using the above.

    in case you guys are interested to display multi line titles
    (for the titles, we can put html in it also)
    tweak the #cboxContent, add margin-bottom(you’ll have to calculate yourself)
    to support multiple lines

    this is a quick hack… hvnt the time to dissect the jquery of the colorbox behind it

    Your suggestion works (get more space for multiline content) but the frame around the image is not continued.
    Any ideas?
    I s… don’t like css, any help is appreciated.

    uhggg… depends on your biz requirements…
    the plugin’s code and css is very messy, I hate that a lot : \

    Easy way:
    One way is to make background opacity 100% (e.g. the black theme)
    then you wont see the gap (might be better and easier if customer’s ok with this)

    Technical way: (*quick fix, not sure if I’m screwing the code more)
    using black theme as example

    1.append this to the end of the colorbox.css
    #cboxBottomLeft, #cboxBottomCenter, #cboxBottomRight{display:none;}
    (this hides the extra bit that’s floating around below the title)

    2.tweek the #cboxTitle
    remove the “left:5px” (please… use padding instead, this is stupid css)
    now add background color, e.g. background:#000;(the background color matches the lightbox frame color, just adjust accordingly)
    and padding accordingly
    For example mine is now like this:
    #cboxTitle{position:absolute; color:#ccc; font-size:11pt; padding:5px; padding-right:22px;background:#000;}

    this shud fix the floating bit that’s not continuing the frame and its a nuisance.

    just my 2cents, hope it helps

    and… someone asked me about the title displaying below the ‘X’ mark image also.

    to make it so that titles do not spill and display below the ‘X’ mark:
    notice the #cboxClose, the image width for the ‘black’ theme is 22px
    so at the #cboxTitle you need to add the paddong-right:22px bit

    with this the title will not display below the ‘X’

    hope this helps, too


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